Attention Walgreens Shoppers - Philly Style

The level of stupidity is off the charts. They're basically stealing bags of chips and soda. They would be hungry 5 minutes later. They went down the make up isle not taking any of it, yet those items are the most expensive if they were going to re-sell. But that's not what they were doing. Since there were no giant screen TVs, they didn't know what to do other than to make a mess, grab some chips, and leave. Their next hit is going to be a Walmart or Target for the giant screen TVs.
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Migration of the wildebeest. Notice how it starts as a slow trickle then the herd breaks loose full force. The circle of life goes on.
I thought of it like an ant invasion. The throwing of items at the store clerk also blows my mind. Then these people wonder why business moves out of the neighborhood. The scary part is, if they had guns, then the store clerks would have been shot, because that's what happens in the movies.
A herd that size will eventually attract the attention of at least a few LEOs. Typically lions start with weaker prey as it is less dangerous.
The problem is, the kids don't know any better, get in trouble, have a record, and can't get a high paying job. The education needs to happen in grade school, and the same thing could be said for all the immigrants trying to come in.

The problem is discussed in videos, but nothing changes because the kids are not taught at a young age how life works.
The problem is, the kids don't know any better, get in trouble, have a record, and can't get a high paying job. The education needs to happen in grade school, and the same thing could be said for all the immigrants trying to come in.

The problem is discussed in videos, but nothing changes because the kids are not taught at a young age how life works.

You ever considered a career in politics? 🙄🙄
You ever considered a career in politics? ����
Can't. I've said too much Truth on TW that is now on the internet forever. They would label me as a Racist, plus I'm not Jewish with a ton of money to campaign.

Being on the HOA is about the closest thing to being a politician I can get. I've been VP on the board for 13 years and we haven't raised our fee during that time, it's still at $125/Mo.
Yeah, mine is $100 a year, and they only take care of the parkways behind the houses, they don't dictate anything I do with my property. For $125 a month they better be dusting off my balls once a month on top of mowing and cooking.
The problem is, the kids don't know any better, get in trouble, have a record, and can't get a high paying job. The education needs to happen in grade school, and the same thing could be said for all the immigrants trying to come in.

The problem is discussed in videos, but nothing changes because the kids are not taught at a young age how life works.

i agree but good parenting is first and foremost the biggest reflection of a kid
Yeah, mine is $100 a year, and they only take care of the parkways behind the houses, they don't dictate anything I do with my property. For $125 a month they better be dusting off my balls once a month on top of mowing and cooking.

same, ours is actually voluntary but I throw in my share because I like the entrance to look nice
not sure about the education part...
i think other parts need to be discussed
but that would be racist

because of peso echange rate
my hoa can go between $130 - $150/m
in Mexico
and i thought that was good
ngfm is your hoa keeping up with repairs with that amount
your a god for keeping it low
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