At lowest settings on 640x480 with a 2400+, a 9600, and 768 of 266 I get 30fps in T:V

All the settings are Low/Off
Nothing's taking up resources :\

I'll probably format soon enough, it just irks me that it's such a hog :|
im getting 17-22 fps @800x600 outdoors, 45 indoors, 120 between maps
all graphical settings low/off , visibility on high
eight processes in task manager
1400 celeron, 512mb 133sdram, ati 9600 aiw
barely 5gigs free space and freshly defragmented
but the Jets are winning
512MB pc2100
128MB gf4 ti4200 8x
windows ME (j/k... xp home sp1)
1024x768, 2x AA, high details, no shadows, ultra water and glow

I dunno what fps I get but they are pretty smooth. is there a showfps command?
JodoFett said:
I'm running a 2600+ and a 9800 Pro w/a gig of 2700(might be better I don't remember) and I run at 1280x1024 at nearly ultra-high graphics (everything but shadows and 2.0 shaders which I just keep forgetting to turn on) and I get around 40-60 fps.

how did you get that TW logo on your space marine? is it photoshop, or a custom thing?

edit: ah i see now, nvm
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I don't usually play with all the settings on ultra high, but I was for a while and I didn't experience any problems. I noticed, however, that when I turned shadows and glow down to high it seemed to brighten things up a bit, so I now run with those just on high.
:lol: I get 35+ @ 1024x768 all settings medium with my

2.6ghz p4c 800mhz fsb
1024 mb ram (but it played just as fine with 512, I just got the gig)
9600pro 128 mb

u = suck