"At IBM, That Google Thing Is So Yesterday"

its called webfountain, and its extreemly OFN

WebFountain™ is a set of research technologies that collect, store and analyze massive amounts of unstructured and semi-structured text. It is built on an open, extensible platform that enables the discovery of trends, patterns and relationships from data. For more information on text analytics research at IBM, please visit UIMA.

WebFountain™ comprises three primary components:

The Platform: This infrastructure incorporates third-party content and business partner technologies to provide complete customer solutions. It has integrated miners, crawlers and applications that focus on specific or global tasks and adheres to open, scalable standards.

The Data: WebFountain™ enables access to multi-terabyte data stores of unstructured and semi-structured data. This includes internet data, weblogs, bulletin boards, enterprise data, legacy data, licensed content, newspapers, magazines and trade journals.

Multi-Disciplinary Text Analytics: WebFountain™ provides an integrated platform for multi-disciplinary text analytic approaches. This includes natural language processing, statistics, probabilities, machine learning, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence.
Over 300 researchers worldwide, about 200 patents, and four years of research have contributed to this new technology.