Ask me anything about Mass Effect 2

I'm very excited about ME2, I am almost done replaying ME1 again in anticipation. You said that your choices in 1 affect 2, how so? Does it look at your save file from 1 and then base the story on that?
Yep. When you boot up ME2 and choose to continue a save from ME1, it will scan your ME1 save file and convert it, carrying over all the plot states.
will they make it so you can still get all the good loot, and as much xp, if you decide to be an asshole? In DA:O you get rewarded much more if you act like a good guy.

I did a Renegade playthrough and had no problem getting all the cool stuff. Loot has changed drastically since ME1, though.
Certainly. I'm not required or anything. I just enjoy TW because if you can just ignore the low-brow stuff, there's a lot of good, honest discussion of games. Plus, some TWers helped me with productions that helped get me my job at BioWare.

I'm also extremely proud of my games. Despite it's wrinkles, ME1 was something that had never been achieved before. Dragon Age was a great ode to old-school RPGs. And ME2 is what I'll be most proud of. I won't shill it too much because it would seem disingenuous, but it really is an amazing game. If I never work on another game that good, I'll be fine because after working at places like Jim Henson Co. and Miramax, I know how few there are of us in any creative industry that get to work on something like ME2.

I really hope everyone enjoys it as much as I think they will enjoy it.
Heheh. All the BioWare people are updating their Facebook profiles with Gold Member quotes. "I love GOOOOooould." "Now let's celebrate wif a smoke and uh pancake."
gonna be weird going from infinite ammo to having to worry about ammo.

but if we accumulate the amount of money we did like in the first mass effect, we'll actually have something to spend our money on for once.
what sucks is i played ME1 on the 360, i'd like to play 2 on my PC but i want to use my save game to carry over whatever carries over.

gonna be weird going from infinite ammo to having to worry about ammo.

but if we accumulate the amount of money we did like in the first mass effect, we'll actually have something to spend our money on for once.

I understand ammo being a worry, as I didn't like the sound of it, either. When I played it, though, I came to really love it. When playing on harder difficulties, it really makes you think about the fight and fight smart, not just to pick your favorite uber-gun and fire away. Gears2 felt similar, but your choice was only between a couple of guns. In ME2 we've got your guns, usually 4 or more, plus all your powers to choose from.

This is definitely a game where I can whole-heartedly endorse playing on higher difficulty levels. It's challenging without cheap shots.
OXM Magazine just scored it a 9.5 praising it's superbly improved combat system, story, and cast of characters, but knocking off a little for the extremely boring way they went about gathering resources in this one.

If anybody hasn't seen the gameplay videos of the different classes, I'll put the link for the vanguard (looks super kick-ass) here: YouTube - Mass Effect 2: Vanguard Trailer

And the Mako is completely gone :boogie:

Ed: If I can figure out how the hell to embed these videos then I'll throw them on here.
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can you elaborate a bit on the differences between carrying over your ME1 character vs starting a new one?

would you say it's easier / harder/ no different, to start from scratch in ME2? are the enemies scaled to your level? does carrying over your character create significant plot differences?

Definitely not easier or harder as far as gameplay goes. If you carry over a character, you get some bonuses at the start that while worthwhile, definitely aren't game breaking. Plus the game is so non-linear, everything scales to your level.

The big difference is in the state of the game universe. If you don't have a savegame, then there is a "canon" version of the universe the game defaults to. It's not worse or anything, and it is a state that you quite possibly had at the end of the first game, anyway (though with hundreds of plot states carried over, it's unlikely to have it exactly the same).

So the game as a whole there's not that much of an effect. It's in all the little details that your ME1 savegame makes a big difference. And the details are the best part, anyway, right?
what sucks is i played ME1 on the 360, i'd like to play 2 on my PC but i want to use my save game to carry over whatever carries over.


I was thinking the same

I think I'm going to "buy" ME1 for the PC and play through that while waiting for ME2 and "buy" it when it comes out. Hopefully, problem solved.
Yep. When you boot up ME2 and choose to continue a save from ME1, it will scan your ME1 save file and convert it, carrying over all the plot states.

I palyed through ME twice on the same save file once as the good guy first and then once as the bad guy.

My question is do I get to choose which build of my guy transfers over or am I going to have to play through ME again to get all of the characters in the new game?