Are you gonna vote for Trump in 2020?


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With a biased media railing against him in the 24/7 news cycle

With a House full of America-hating Democrat morons obstructing him every day

With a far-left US 9th Circuit full of activist judges overturning his meal choices and injuncting the Daily Presidential Shit

LMFAO reeeeee
stop stealing blackpeople's 1 and only post, u thieving racist european colonist

fking eurotrash working overtime 2 steal from a black american former slave


Since i realize the internet, and electricity are a new thing where you come from, im going to give you some free internet education

I'd post a link but these retards can't even code their page correctly

This is where this story starts. Ever heard of it? Yeah me neither. Do you know why you've never heard of it? Because its only been around since 2016, founded by people from politico. Its pretty much a trump hit site.

The story on axios is pretty much generated bullshit...unless you think the hard hitting reporters at axios were in actual whitehouse meetings. And do you know how you can tell they weren't? Because everything source in the story is 'anonymous' or 'sources say'.

In short, this is a bullshit piece originating from a bullshit site, scraped by a handful of other sites, made up to attract morons who then spread it to gaming sites....
Why do people feel the need to make shit up about Trump behaving like a retarded 7 year-old? There's more than enough real stuff already.

bombs away boys, lets bring some freedom to these swirling terrorists
got em

caught em red handed bombing that hurricane so it would hit houston

goddamn deep state