Are you gonna vote for Trump in 2020?


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The economy will be a smoldering ruins by November 2020, but if I see at least one nigra hanging from a tree branch I'll vote for this abomination.
I will more than likely vote for trump when the time comes and this is mostly due to my desire to see the left lose their fucking minds, especially in my State.
this place is a toilet, so yea trump 70% is right on par

lol found the first
of the thread gg
Now that I think about it.. it is more accurate to say TW is a reflection of society.. not the other way around. TW doesn't influence shit
You were right the first time. TW and other forums were the precursors to social media. The indifference to -- and even glorification of -- casual cruelty for amusement that blossomed here has since expanded to a wider population via mainstream social media over the past couple of decades. It was inevitable that the desensitization of an entire generation would occur this way.
I think it was always there.. Social media just exposed it.

Cruelty for amusement started back in Rome I believe.. a lot earlier actually but Rome is a good starting point
So on that reality.. wouldn't it be better to embiggen people with the power to reject simple words rather than keep adding weight to vowels and consonants arranged in a certain way?

As in.. we will never evolve until we take the power out of words.

I think everyone should have to work on a construction site so they can learn to blow shit off
i was gonna vote 4 roseanne, but seeing mitch itt (i didn't read any posts :cool:) makes me feel exceptionally patriotic and bigly in support of the mighty mighty donster
You were right the first time. TW and other forums were the precursors to social media. The indifference to -- and even glorification of -- casual cruelty for amusement that blossomed here has since expanded to a wider population via mainstream social media over the past couple of decades. It was inevitable that the desensitization of an entire generation would occur this way.

tbh i think bounty is admitting that he bears personal blame 4 the degeneracy of ~current youth and under-40 "grownups"~ b/c he apparently knew it was inevitable, yet he failed 2 call our parents back in y2k and let them kno wat was going on with tribalwar gaming news so that they would pull the plug on our internets and ~save the planet~
AnubiS, Ares, borlaK, Bounty, Danno, HollyW00d, Mr Jimmy Pop, Risuli, sehvi, SuperTrap, Synth, T-Dawg, tearis, vamp, Vermouth, wedge

soros bots watchlisted.
Vote? Ya'll won't be able to vote soon, bros

The spin liberals will apply to anything is ridiculous. Basically the whole video is bitching that America isn't playing world police. Yet all of them bitch if we are the world police. You can't win with these people. They're like menstruating women.
The spin liberals will apply to anything is ridiculous. Basically the whole video is bitching that America isn't playing world police. Yet all of them bitch if we are the world police. You can't win with these people. They're like menstruating women.

they're Marxists.