Are you better off today than you were 1 year ago

Masamune/Xerxes said:
If she left you when you were down it means she is a selfish broad and all you seen is just the tip of the iceberg. Trust me, you dump her and you dump her fast.
She didn't leave me when I was down. I guess I should clarify: She left me because I didn't give a shit about how much of a loser I was. I was content in being a loser. Whoever wouldn't leave that kind of person is an idiot. She would have stayed if I seemed as though I was going to change.
So then you sang her, "I can change, I can change!" the Saddam Hussein ditty from the South Park movie and she came back? Your life to live I guess.
Vanster said:
yeah you did.

at least in 10 years you'll think so.

I doubt I'll remember it in 10 years, I barely remember anything from 5 years ago now

College was alright. It was easy, but it was a big waste of time. I didn't learn anything, I did a degree I hated, the only positive thing was I had enough free time to do whatever I wanted. Of course, there wasn't anything I wanted to do
A year ago I had a good amount of money saved, I was single, and I wasn't in school. Now I am almost to three months with my girlfriend, I am pretty much dead broke, and I am going to school. I would say I am better off, I am finally doing something with my life, and I have enjoyed every second with my gf and will continue to enjoy it.
I think i'm worse off right now. I was in a much better place at this time last year and so was my mind
Not even close.

Last year i was living it up on my year of study abroad in Japan. Having the best time of my life with the coolest friends from all around the world.
Now i'm back at university in shitty Oxford and everyting is boring and mundane and i'm running out of money cause it costs so much for a measly pint of stella.

Right now i would give ANYTHING to be back where i was and doing what i was doing a year ago.
Arachno said:
Not even close.

Last year i was living it up on my year of study abroad in Japan. Having the best time of my life with the coolest friends from all around the world.
Now i'm back at university in shitty Oxford and everyting is boring and mundane and i'm running out of money cause it costs so much for a measly pint of stella.

Right now i would give ANYTHING to be back where i was and doing what i was doing a year ago.

ono poor you at oxford :-(((
Ares said:
ono poor you at oxford :-(((

No, i'm at a university in Oxford, i'm not studying at Oxford university. I'm not even nearly smart or pretentious enough for that crowd of elitist fucks.
Yes, I am clearing up alot of my credit and I have a baby coming in late Jan/early Feb.
I am so excited to have my first kid. :)
I also just bought a car for my wife and did I mention I am clearing up my shitty credit? Thats a blessing in its own.
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better girlfriend
getting paid more at work
a little further along in school
i no longer smoke pot

my car still sucks, i want a bike
i'm still a procrastinator
im still on tribalwar, "heh heh"