Are sharpies good for drawing on window glass? what's better/more permanent?

How many people carry one of those with them everywhere they go? How many people have those just sitting around their house? If he is doing this to a girl by any chance the odds are she won't even think of one of those.

Plus its still a pain to get off every peice of tape. Plus the sticky residue left behind is annoying to get off.

1. I have one in the toolbox in my trunk.
2. I have one in the toolbox in my house. I'm a DIY kinda' guy. :D
3. Dunno what kind of chicks you hang out with, but most of the ones I know are very self-sufficient and would quickly find some efficient solution.

As to stickiness, most tapes, by design, do not leave behind a residue. Duct tape left on the window for a few months gets to be a real bitch, tho. Even with a scraper.

I personally would do something like crazy gluing pennies 'till the whole window is filled up. That would be an excellent prank. Would at least waste a few hours. :D
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both permanent markers and sharpie would come off easily with alcohol.

just so u know.

A better prank would to get a couple rolls of scotch tape and put tons of little half inch peices of tape all over their windows. THATS a bitch to get off.

Use sandpaper to coat human blood all over the car. Then cover it with little pieces of tap. Finally, throw a brick through the windshield.
or just get a tape-covered, sharpie-written, blood-soaked, sandpaper-wrapped piece of c4 disguised as a brick. Plant it on her hood and put in the detonation code. Get out of there it's gonna blow.
Use an acrylic paint marker or get the sticky postage things from the post office and write what you want on them and then slap it on the windows.
or get the sticky postage things from the post office and write what you want on them and then slap it on the windows.

Heh. When I was in the PO to mail Musashi his care-package a gang-banger walked in and headed over to the mailing label rack. The black lady behind the counter immediately shouted at him, "Oh no you don't! You know better than that! We've been watching you, you just turn around and head on out!" He turned and slunk out.

I asked what that was all about. It seems to be the new rage here to steal PO package labels, tag'em, peel off the back and then slap them whereever.

Never heard of that before. :lol:
Scraper + Goo Gone will get rid of tape plus residue, pretty simple. And just because girls you know don't know how to get rid of tape, doesn't mean their father/uncle/friends don't.
Heh. When I was in the PO to mail Musashi his care-package a gang-banger walked in and headed over to the mailing label rack. The black lady behind the counter immediately shouted at him, "Oh no you don't! You know better than that! We've been watching you, you just turn around and head on out!" He turned and slunk out.

I asked what that was all about. It seems to be the new rage here to steal PO package labels, tag'em, peel off the back and then slap them whereever.

Never heard of that before. :lol:

Think of what they can do once they figure out that Avery labels exist. They will be printing them off by the ton and slapping them everywhere. Marking your territory just got much more efficient, I would assume whoever figures this out will get a nice year end bonus.
Plus its still a pain to get off every peice of tape. Plus the sticky residue left behind is annoying to get off.

If you put a little gasoline on a rag and then rub the sticky residue it will come RIGHT off. Just make sure you thoroughly rinse it off afterwards. Don't want to be flambe later.