[apache] logging question

my logging does not show every html request we receive. I'd like to change that so I can debug an issue on the new server. I put 'LogLevel info' in my http.conf and it didn't change shit. Anyone know what I do?
How much detail do you need? Apache logs every request it receives into either log or error, but the level of detail you require depends on what the problem is. I suspect its not apache logging you are thinking off, but something like tcpdump or a similar packet logger that includes the actual HTML payload that you are needing.

You can also try this article - http://onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2007/02/02/apache-debugging-logs.html
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doesn't that only cover the error log? I don't think it'd make any difference to what goes into the access log. You're probably wanting to modify the customlog format if you need to spit out extra info on each request, but if it's actually missing requests that straight-out aren't being logged, then something's broken within apache itself, I'd think. It should hit every request. If it's not.. like Kiint said, you might need to start looking at tcpdumps.
my logging does not show every html request we receive. I'd like to change that so I can debug an issue on the new server. I put 'LogLevel info' in my http.conf and it didn't change shit. Anyone know what I do?

First thing I thought of was netcat and similar.
why would it skip log entries... thats some buggy as shit... furthermore apache is overrated

look into nginx news

its by some russian hacker nerd
my logging does not show every html request we receive. I'd like to change that so I can debug an issue on the new server. I put 'LogLevel info' in my http.conf and it didn't change shit. Anyone know what I do?

How detailed do you want it? If you want to log POST data, you can compile mod_dumpio.
mod_dumpio - Apache HTTP Server

Add "DumpIOOutput On" in your httpd.conf.

Make sure the debug log level is on too. You will see a lot more detailed logging in your error log.

nginx is almost exclusively used for reverse-proxy.

Not true, a lot of shops run nginx as their webserver. Very low overhead, very fast.
without seeing your log config, can't really debug the problem. Is it not logging specific types of requests? Apache has support to only log certain requests if you want to do that, which is accomplished using the 'conditional logs' section of this doc:

Log Files - Apache HTTP Server

If all you have is a plain CustomLog or AccessLog directive, it should be logging every request that completes.