Anyone want to try Path of Exile? 2 keys to give away.


Veteran XX
First 2 people that post in this thread that they want the keys gets them pmed.

Game goes Open beta and is free to play on Jan 23. Here's your chance to try it out early.

Amazing diablo 2 style game (so much more in depth)

*warning* There is a final wipe of all loot and characters when it hits open beta on the 23rd. So spend your currencies, no point in loot hoarding just yet. Once open beta hits, they will not do any more wipes.

I want TW peeps to have them because you've given me a lot of entertainment over the years :)
I've seen some streams of this, looks good. Back to classic D2 style, maybe even more like D1
act3 will be released when they go to open beta on the 23rd

and pengo, if you loved d2, you will love this game. Im almost tempted to say its better than d2 was. Much more depth.
I have this sitting here but have yet to play it. Since none of you fags play Chiv with me I will have to give it a go.

Just tried it. Pretty damn fun actually. Runs great on a low level system. Seems to be very D2.

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If you can't get past the somewhat amateur graphics of Path of Exile it's actually pretty fun. I played it for a while before finally getting bored of only 2 acts. They've incorporated some really neat ideas.
Sorry d00d if I had one I would give it away. I paid 10$ I think it is 50$ to get 2 invites.

It is worth 10$ if only to see the massive fucking skill tree.
