Anyone here graduate with a degree in history?

Marko, as I said, history by itself will get you jack unless you know how to use it. Best bet is to go into hist/teaching and get a job in a highschool :\
I'm a history major right now at coastal carolina, 2 years into the program, the classes are awesome but I have no clue what I'm gonna do with it, don't really want to be a teacher

I might end up changing next year
OpticNerve_ said:
Or are you currently studying that right now. If so what school did/are you attending? Need to know :O
right now im a history political science double major and have just started to look for internships for the summer. sofar i have been riding on a balloon of optomism but now that i have actually started to look for an internship it looks like i made a big mistake.
i love both of my majors and i would really only be one semester behind but i am starting to look at switchin to business, really the only thing you can do with a history major is teach, but the thing is it all comes down to personality. if you can sell yourself to the companies based on abstract and hard to quantify skills then you have a chance, but unless you can do that you are kindof up a crick. i

it also depends on what you want to do with it, if you want to go work for a historical society then you would be money, but if you want a good career in business i would say go with a business major
In England, or at least at Oxford you can pretty much do anything with any viable degree... like loads of corporations recruit graduates across subjects like English, History, French or whatever and give them jobs in consultancy or investment banking or management... seems weird that a history in the USA will mean either research or teaching 8\... at least that's how it sounds from the way you're talking about it
The CEO of HP has a degree in Medieval Literature and Poetry. Anything is possible; get a degree in what you love, not what will get you a job.
Neutrino said:
The CEO of HP has a degree in Medieval Literature and Poetry. Anything is possible; get a degree in what you love, not what will get you a job.

agreed. why not get your undergrad in business and then a masters in history. then you'll be doing something you love AND have a good background to land you a first job. lots of scholarships for grad school out there, too.
empty said:
If you have to ask this I wouldn't recommend majoring in it :)
I don't plan on majoring in it but I'm curious.

I'll just take your reply as a "not a whole lot"