Any Mac techs out there?

Yogi Bear

Veteran X
I'm working on an Imac that won't boot to the hard drive, I'm getting the flashing question mark. It's supposed to boot to OS 9.0.4.

I boot with Norton Systemworks CD and it says the hard drive is fine.

I run Disk First Aid, no problems found

I reset the PRAM and NVRAM

I blessed the system folder

I put in another hard drive and it boots fine. I put the hard drive with the problem in another computer and it still doesn't boot

I went to control panels/startup disk and it shows the hard drive, OS 9.0.4, but it still doesn't boot to it

Anybody have any other ideas? It seems to be a software problem on the drive but I haven't been able to figure it out. This customer can't lose her data that's on there so I can't just initialize it and reinstall.
