another diet thread


Veteran X
So i want to lose about 40 pounds. To accomplish this i have been riding a Recumbent bike 10 miles a day. I have access to a nice treadmill as well as a weight set. I have the time to do more in the workout room but i want to keep it to a level i can do every day. Im also trying to change my diet, forcing myself to eat breakfast (yogurt) and a healthy lunch and dinner.

do any of you health guys have any suggestions? any links to places with suggested daily meal plans i could follow by myself would be great as well as any general health suggestions and exercise ideas. Thanks and please no flames heh.
I have done the Atkins for close to a month and a half and have lost close to 33 to 36 pounds without excercise..went from 236 to 200 lbs today...I was a bit of a sweet least 1000 calories or more just on donuts and cake,alone everyday.
Cut your portions in half.

Drink an 8oz glass of COLD water every 2 hours. (you burn ~200 calories a day just warming up the water internally to your body temperature)

Lift weights 3 days a week (building muscle burns more fat than cardio)
eat a big breakfast and lunch and then skip dinner.. excersize after every meal even if its just walking for 15 minutes after breakfast. keep running, biking and lifting in the evening, for longer periods of time.

also regular yogurt is full of sugar, its not really all that healthy. you would be better off just drinking a glass or 2 of milk in the morning.
Fool said:
Cut your portions in half.

Drink an 8oz glass of COLD water every 2 hours. (you burn ~200 calories a day just warming up the water internally to your body temperature)

Lift weights 3 days a week (building muscle burns more fat than cardio)
uhh your math is a little off there buddy (about the heating water)

edit: unless you're talking about regular calories of which there are 1000 in a kilocalorie (the food calorie)

edit2: wait a sec didn't see you meant for a glass every two hours....time to pull out calculator again

edit: nope you're still way off
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why workout in the evening, from what i understand the main purpose is to get your heart rate up and working out at night would seem to defeat that, because sleeping would rapidly lower it.
fartiusstinkius said:
uhh your math is a little off there buddy (about the heating water)

edit: unless you're talking about regular calories of which there are 1000 in a kilocalorie (the food calorie)

edit2: wait a sec didn't see you meant for a glass every two hours....time to pull out calculator again

edit: nope you're still way off

Just what I read.
Lift some weights.. an extra few pounds of muscle goes a real long way when it comes to burning off those extra kcals.
well i said that as thats what i did as i have more time in the evening after getting home from work.. if you've got the time to work out earlier that could be better, dunno im not a dietician :shrug:

i've stuck to this plan since about the beginning of the year, went from about 215 to 180 right now. i hope atkins keeps working for duese but what im doing isn't any sort of fad diet, just the old fashioned more excersize and eat less, i don't see me gaining it back.
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anyone have any sites they like about healthy meal plans? i enjoy fruit for breakfast and i love fish etc im just not into things like atkins and would like something more moderate first to see if it works.
weights and some aerobics 3-5 days a week will go a very long way. just make sure you don't stop doing it after a month. eat logicaly, and stay away from meals taht are all carbs (bowl of pasta). eat a big breakfast everyday. try to keep your calories around 2000, dont go far below or your body will slow down it's metabolic rate. is a good place to keep track of calories and educate yourself on what youre REALLY consuming.
Ronnie Dobbs said:
eat a big breakfast and lunch and then skip dinner...

Wrong. You should eat AT LEAST 5 times a day. Smaller portions though. Bowl of cereal for breakfast or maybe and egg or two. Granola bar or power bar of some sort for a snack. For lunch I would buy a full sized lunch and eat half of it. For the afternoon snack i would eat the rest of my lunch. And I healthy dinner. The idea is to keep your metabolism up.

As for exercise, it's best to cardio in the morning and lift in the evening. I'm not a morning person so I do it all at night. 3-5 times a week.
thanks guys, im checking out right now but keep the tips coming i really want to get the best bang for my buck.
Ronnie Dobbs said:
eat a big breakfast and lunch and then skip dinner.. excersize after every meal even if its just walking for 15 minutes after breakfast. keep running, biking and lifting in the evening, for longer periods of time.

also regular yogurt is full of sugar, its not really all that healthy. you would be better off just drinking a glass or 2 of milk in the morning.

That's aweful advice.

If you skip meals, your body will slow down it's metabolism and go into stavation mode storing whatver you eat as fat to compensate. What you want is to ideally eat smaller meals spread out every 3 hours. Definately start weight training. The extra muscle will raise your metabolism as well as burn more calories even while at rest. Follow a basic 3 day a week program focused around compound movements.

To lose fat, on your off days do low intensity cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for about 45-60 minutes. A lot of people eat before doing cardio but all you are doing there is buring off what you just ate instead of tapping into your fat reserves. Diet wise, stay away from high glycemic foods like sugars, processed foods, white flour, etc... have protein with every meal and eat ONLY trace carbs at night(after 6pm or so) like the kind you find in vegetables and what not.