Ann Coulter on Real Time with Bill Mahur Right Now

That was actually a very good panel he had. I figured it'd be crap with Ben Affleck but they were all coherent and had good points. The evil conservative was actually smart and got the raging hippy liberal douche audience on his side a couple times, and all 3 jumped on Maher for his religion bashing.
Whats sad is when you cant even count on the conservitive guy on the panel to defend bush. Its just bush bashing no matter what.
Least qualified author.
I was very suprised how well ben affleck took to being a panelist.

I watch bill maher all the time, regaurdless of your political tastes he is fucking funny.. But then again I hate conan almost as much as ann coulter.
PJ said:
Whats sad is when you cant even count on the conservitive guy on the panel to defend bush. Its just bush bashing no matter what.

It's only sad because Bush has detached himself from even his supporters.