[ANIMAL ATTACKS] Would you survive?

House Cat: 100% Chance
Racoon: 100% Chance
Coyote: 100% Chance
Medium Sized Dog: 100% Chance
Large Dog: 100% Chance
Wolf: 100% Chance
Small Shark: 100% Chance
Large Shark: 90% Chance
Predetory Cat: 93% Chance
Elephant 97% Chance
Lion or Tiger: 82% Chance
Bear: 90% Chance
Alligator: 100% Chance
Gorilla: 75% Chance
Human: 100% Chance
Would You Survive?
House Cat: 100% Chance
Racoon: 100% Chance
Coyote: 90% Chance
Medium Sized Dog: 71% Chance
Large Dog: 63% Chance
Wolf: 52% Chance
Small Shark: 71% Chance
Large Shark: 52% Chance
Predetory Cat: 41% Chance
Elephant 34% Chance
Lion or Tiger: 34% Chance
Bear: 26% Chance
Alligator: 19% Chance
Gorilla: 19% Chance
Human: 37% Chance
and wolves are still wild and kill shit to survive instead of waiting for the purina handout

This, too.

German shepherds are usually used to train pit bulls how to fight, and regularly get shredded to bits. But this shouldn't be possible because the typical shepherd has like 30 lbs on a pit, in scurvy's world.
Jesus mstrike, you must be wild animal bait or something. It gave me:

House Cat: 100% Chance
Racoon: 100% Chance
Coyote: 100% Chance
Medium Sized Dog: 100% Chance
Large Dog: 100% Chance
Wolf: 100% Chance
Small Shark: 100% Chance
Large Shark: 82% Chance
Predetory Cat: 100% Chance
Elephant 97% Chance
Lion or Tiger: 97% Chance
Bear: 90% Chance
Alligator: 78% Chance
Gorilla: 82% Chance
Human: 100% Chance

(how the hell did it give me 100% against another human?)

This system's broken. I'm not casting doubt on you or anything but I find it hard to believe that anyone on the planet would have a 97% chance of surviving against a fucking lion.

