An apalling political comment, violating commonly held moral values.

Zoolooman said:
Followed by an angry post about a tangential topic. As you read the second line, you realize you were baited by my inflammatory subject. As you read the third line, it dawns on you that most people rely on buzzwords and vague abstractions to discuss and justify their political paradigms.

You know that this thread will be empty of thoughtful political discourse.

Despite knowing that you've been duped, you reply to this thread in order to satisfy your pedantic compulsions. You simply cannot ignore a chance to correct someone else. This inevitably brings you into conflict with your actual ideological enemies.

You then engage in horrible pedantism, ignoring the fact that nobody involved is educated enough to properly analyse the subject at hand. Effectively, the man who is nitpicked less and mocks more wins with sheer 'net charisma, however weak his actual arguments.

Random comment about religion.

"The first line of a political signature, containing a misquote, terrible formatting, and/or pretentious drivel that doesn't practically apply to any situation in living experience." -- Attributed to some important sounding guy.

An unnecessary link to your favorite propaganda or pornography.

Trollish disagreement. Insult.
-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Winters
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 4:46 PM
To: Stephen J. Baker
Subject: WAVY info?


Remember to give me the scoop & the poop on the Don Roberts interview when you have it. What is the focus of the interview? i.e., is there a particular event or program we’ll be talking about? Thanks.

HSAlien said:
I, on the other hand, am replying to this thread in order to satisfy my panoptic compulsions.

i find you unjust and morally bankrupt, therefore i will reply to this thread in order to satisfy my pandarhetic compulsions
I post in this thread because I have found it populated by posters of note and I wish to be noticed though I add nothing whatsoever to the conversation.
Zoolooman said:
Followed by an angry post about a tangential topic. As you read the second line, you realize you were baited by my inflammatory subject. As you read the third line, it dawns on you that most people rely on buzzwords and vague abstractions to discuss and justify their political paradigms.

You know that this thread will be empty of thoughtful political discourse.

Despite knowing that you've been duped, you reply to this thread in order to satisfy your pedantic compulsions. You simply cannot ignore a chance to correct someone else. This inevitably brings you into conflict with your actual ideological enemies.

You then engage in horrible pedantism, ignoring the fact that nobody involved is educated enough to properly analyse the subject at hand. Effectively, the man who is nitpicked less and mocks more wins with sheer 'net charisma, however weak his actual arguments.

Random comment about religion.

"The first line of a political signature, containing a misquote, terrible formatting, and/or pretentious drivel that doesn't practically apply to any situation in living experience." -- Attributed to some important sounding guy.

An unnecessary link to your favorite propaganda or pornography.

your words are bombastic and inflamitory
Politicians do a good job at saying whatever people want to hear. My mom says I'm good at this as well. MAybe I should be a politician
Zoolooman said:
See, here is your first mistake. You begin with such random assumptions about the point and quality of this thread that you miss my point altogether. If you can't see where I'm coming from, I wonder how you can see anything at all!

One might debate the connotations of have. Does one really have to have anything? Is your materialist view so diehard that you can't accept that sometimes a thread can be complete without the inclusion of capitalist bells and whistles?

Of course you can't get a better idea. Why do I talk politics with people like you?

The next line is the only serious line in this post: because metathreads amuse me. :]

quit trying to use exasturbating words... just type logically rather than waning eloquently about useless shit, thx. lol at "inclusion of capitalist bells and wistles". so much you could say, without the application of complicated words; being that most people here dont enuniciate properly to begin with, imagine these crazy words. You are trying to mock people in a phylisisicocoiphical way and its stupid.