Am I OCD, or just anal?

if some of my troops die i have to bring them back to multiples of 5 before i do anything else
- All visible wires can't be tangled (no crossing over)

check this out

I always wash my hands after pissing, even if I don't touch anything other than the button on my pants.

I always wash my hands before pissing. I know exactly what's on my dick. Can't say the same for the hands.
- I arrange the cash in my wallet in order of denomination and they all have to be right-side-up.

- If there's a picture on the wall that's slightly off, I have to fix it or it will drive me nuts.

- The volume on my stereo or T.V. is always on an even number - I don't like odd numbers.

Same here.
In Tribes, whenever I use voice commands, I feel compelled to use a multiple of two of them:


You idiot!

Ah crap!


I also felt compelled to use a four sets there, rather than three. Weird.