Alex Jones just got deleted ( Fahrenheit 451 for reelz)


Reeee :lol:

Aren't you in finance? :lol:
technically true

are we going to just pretend that your post had nothing to do with mine?

do we want to go to that level?

you're better than this man
this is a post

a true post

it is unrelated to all other posts

there are other posts like it, but this one is mine.
If you think this development has anything to do with free speech, you're an idiot.

Free speech means that the government and it's policing cannot harm you for things you say. The government has not done that. Facebook says he violated their TOS, and from the best I can see, he did that for months. They warned him, continued to let it go for a very long time, and then banned.

Alex Jones is free to run to the town square, get a bullhorn, and start yelling about chemtrails, fluoride, how Obama was born in Africa, and how Sandy Hook was a setup; grieving parents are paid actors, and the FBI conspired to cover the whole thing up. He's completely free to do that, and when he does, I'd like to show up.

This isn't about free speech. He violated TOS, and he didn't just do it once. He did it for months, ignoring warnings that his account was in peril. Well, now his account has been deleted, finally.

It's worth pointing out that even if he didn't violate their TOS, any site would be well within its rights to ban anyone, for any reason. You're not entitled to their bandwidth.

If you like these (free) services I would kindly suggest not being an asshole. If you can't help yourself, pay for your own hosting.
can we focus more on RamataKhan's angle that YouTube et al are so popular now that laws shouldn't apply to them?

that's more interesting than just reeeeeeehashing the 'Alex Jones is a bitch' scenario
if u get banned from tw for shit postin: this isnt a democracy ur not entitled to shit post here reeee nhrrrrrrrrrrgn

if u get banned from the rest of the internet for shit postin: muh freee speeeeech




y didn't anybody mention the noobtacular use of microsoft internet explorer like as if it's year 2000
you're a snake oil insurance salesman piece of shit asshole, but we still allow you to speak ur stupid bullshit on here :shrug:

if you think insurance is a scam you're pretty stupid

have fun
hope you drop homeowners insurance once you pay your house off and it burns down :sunny: