"Alcohol is more harmful than heroin"


His experiments were a little nutty, not convincing enough for me.
I think part of his rationale is looking at it from the perspective of which is a bigger issue for the country, not whether an ounce of vodka is worse than an ounce of meth.
heroin knocks people out....

alcohol people stilll feel they are in control.

Neither is good, and both are equally destructive.
I dislike alcohol..nothing wrong with drinking responsibly but it turns a lot of people into fucking idiots and causes a hell of a lot of death

but I'm not at all in favour of heroin either

all the top UK drug scientists resigned over this kinda shit already I think
Alcohol will tend to increase violence more than a person intoxicated on heroin.

the real issue is crime to feed the addiction as well as health concerns related to blood born illness...

heroin is also a shit load of fun.
Talk to anyone that works in the ER and they will tell you how many alcohol related incidents they get daily.

Obviously it is much more popular, which still speaks to the power of Alcohol
Alcohol is not dangerous at all in moderation. You can have a drink every evening and not suffer any negative consequences. (You may even gain some health benefits if you're to believe those studies). The problem is with the user and not the drug itself.

I don't believe the same can be said for heroin or most other illicit drugs.