AfroRomance - Where love is more than skin deep


rayn????? halp
So I've got a problem. It starts with a very good friend of mine who is black. We'll call him X. I recently introduced X to my cousin. I wasn't trying to get them together, I just wanted her to meet a good friend of mine. Well they hit it off better than I'd hoped. Problem is, she has a boyfriend, K, whom I have a bit of a bromance with. We are a lot alike, he's honest and easy to hang with. Of these three people I like my cousin the least, but feel obligated to silence b/c she's blood. My reasons are my own but we'll just say she's a scandalous cunt who is rarely honest with me. I don't want to out her to K b/c a)I am afraid it'll ruin teh bromance and b) she's been estranged from our extended family for some 5 years(see scandalous cunt) and I am basically the only connection she has. I would also really like to warn X about her ways, although he should know by now, but I know if I tell him their relationship is at a point where he'll not only not listen to me, but tell her what I've said and I'll have lost a freind untill they eventually break up. I also have possessions, a guitar and complete computer rig which I'm afraid will be in jeopardy during the inevitable break up between K and my cuz. I don't think K would fuck my shit up but he has roomates/bandmates who might not feel the same way. I can't exactly go over and get my shit because it might touch off the break up process and I've already had too much involvement in the whole thing for my taste. K knows something's up, it's a matter of time or patience now. On top of everthing it slightly annoys me to see a white girl, my cousin, with a black man. X has had white girlfriends in my presence before, they've just never been related to me personally.

thanks for listening TW, I needed to get that out. Any suggestions?
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