Advent Rising

Just curious if anyone here is looking forward to this game?

Seems to be a really cool game, surprised it hasn't gotten more press (though it's been in every "Top 5/10/15 games you don't know are coming" feature I've read). Orson Scott Card is writing the story for at least the first game, he's also writing a book to go along with it (though the book will be dif than the game as there are supposed to be a lot of "life choices" in the game..basically spots where you make story impacting decisions).

Game is also supposed to be the first in a trilogy, not sure if OSC is writing the story for all 3. The second one is supposed to be focused more on Multiplayer :)shrug:). Not sure of anything about the third one.

Gamestop has the game releasing on Jan 18th 2005.

Oh from old press stuff, it's supposed to feature one of the "coolest, most ambitious chase scenes ever" though that may have been cut.
Oh ya... I remember seeing a thing about that on X-Play or something like 3-4 months ago. It looked pretty fucking sick when I saw it, though I dont really remember anything about it.
Sir Lucius said:
Is this the one where you're 1st person for the entire game, and you get a magical glowing arm?

No. It's First or 3rd person. No magical glowing arm. I think you're thinking of Breakdown or whatever that game was called.
I saw a trailer from last E3 (or the one before?) for Advent Rising. Looked like Oni meets Max Payne in the 23rd century.

Let's hope it's not Mormonism on an Epic 23rd Century Scale.

edit: in the vein of awesome story-based games, check out the sequel to The Longest Journey.

fall 2005 :( :( :(