[admin]plz unban me from tw irc

<Bomba> anyone wanna duel
<Bomba> ?
<Bomba> t1
* irc.tribalwar.com sets mode: +b *!*@twar-E603B6E0.neb.res.rr.com
* Bomba was kicked by irc.tribalwar.com (Flooding (Limit is 3 lines per 2 seconds))
<Bomba> anyone wanna duel
<Bomba> ?
<Bomba> t1
* irc.tribalwar.com sets mode: +b *!*@twar-E603B6E0.neb.res.rr.com
* Bomba was kicked by irc.tribalwar.com (Flooding (Limit is 3 lines per 2 seconds))

Yeah that's happened to me a couple of times. What sucks is it's a permanent ban, so you have to bother an admin to get it removed.
it's a 24 hour ban. shut up.

you did it. go through it. too bad.

Faggot admins implemented this because of naptown spams.