About to go see the Blue Angels

triple said:
just imagine how many kids first experience with the us military is the blue angels.. in a good 5-6 years those kids will be recruiting age.

oh and kura if you're coming up to barnes this year blue angels are comin.
bro the blue angels have been around for a long time...i was like 8 the first time i saw them....12 years ago
Pffft...Blue Angels can suck a dick. USAF Thunderchickens is where it's at!!!
Dammit, I passed the exit heading to work today, really wanted to go.

I goto school right next to Dobbins and I got to watch them practice for about 1/2 hour.

Back in 2004 they were practicing in the same spot. One guy flew directly over campus and was about 300ft off the ground. Got to see the jet stream up close. Pwnage.
Luke said:
Dammit, I passed the exit heading to work today, really wanted to go.

I goto school right next to Dobbins and I got to watch them practice for about 1/2 hour.

Back in 2004 they were practicing in the same spot. One guy flew directly over campus and was about 300ft off the ground. Got to see the jet stream up close. Pwnage.
Kennesaw St?
Finski said:
Pffft...Blue Angels can suck a dick. USAF Thunderchickens is where it's at!!!
oh best fireworks show EVER :brows:

(happened at my base too, hehe, i helped park cars in that lot last year)


no really i do like the thunderbirds better, would even better if they were F15's though :D F15 > F16


edit: damn you kura :p
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Boomer_941 said:
no really i do like the thunderbirds better, would even better if they were F15's though :D F15 > F16

F-15 would make a shitty plane for the Thunderbirds. F-16 is more nimble.
Finski said:
Yeah...and? Those aren't F-15s. Off the top of my head it looks like an SU-27, I'm not an expert though.
They're bigger than the F-16, yet are a more capable aerobatic plane. As such, if that is the only consideration, the Thunderbirds should use them.

And you are correct. They're Su-27s of the Russian Knights (Su-27UBs, to be precise.)
Hey Kurayami...

What jet does the Itialian air show team (not sure of their name) use?

My dad took a really awsome photo of them during an airshow here when I was a kid, it's currently at my parents house. But its an amazing shot with an Olympus OM-2 that has amazing res, and is really clear.
DwarfVader said:
Hey Kurayami...

What jet does the Itialian air show team (not sure of their name) use?

My dad took a really awsome photo of them during an airshow here when I was a kid, it's currently at my parents house. But its an amazing shot with an Olympus OM-2 that has amazing res, and is really clear.
Made in Italy


As soon as I can I'll see if I can get a photo of the photo for you, it's really an amazing shot.