Abortion rules in Ontario, Canada.


Veteran X
One of my really good friends in Canada was raped a couple weeks ago, and she just found out today that she's pregnant. She's only 16 years old. She needs to know if you can get an abortion without permission from parents. Do any of you have any idea?
gofishgrrl. said:
One of my really good friends in Canada was raped a couple weeks ago, and she just found out today that she's pregnant. She's only 16 years old. She needs to know if you can get an abortion without permission from parents. Do any of you have any idea?

just eat it for her.
I believe that you can without a parent's permission.
Although i do not speak from personal experience.
gofishgrrl. said:
One of my really good friends in Canada was raped a couple weeks ago, and she just found out today that she's pregnant. She's only 16 years old. She needs to know if you can get an abortion without permission from parents. Do any of you have any idea?

Let me get this right...

She was Raped...

Now she is Pregnant...

She wants an abortion, but she hasn't told her parents she was raped.


doesn't want her parents to know she was raped or planning on having an abortion.

hrrmrmm....something doesn't sound right here.

Sounds like she wasn't actually raped here, but was young and stupid and had sex and now is pregnant.
Because it's bullshit. She wasn't actually raped. She probably got a little drunk at a party and fucked some guy and now she's saying she was "raped" to cover her ass for being an unwed filthy teenage whore

Go take her out to a buffet and eat your problems away
Why ask this on TW? Its going to cause both a Canada and Abortion fight. Also people already hate you so that will make it only worse. This thread has 3 of the most contreversial things on TW. :p
She doesn't want to tell her parents that she was raped. She isn't close to them at all.

Believe me, I wouldn't post shit about my friend on Tribalwar if it were bullshit. I just need a freakin' answer. I'm looking on Google but I'm not finding much.

P.S. Aestis's post made me laugh, and I feel really bad.
She's wrong though, Abortion rules everywhere, not just in Ontario

If GFG doesn't go back to her meat locker and stop posting it might be time to ressurect one of the best threads in TW history