A question for TW regarding the movie "Gladiator"


Veteran X
Jesus christ i had like most of this post thought/typed out and i hit the fucking back button on my mouse. Seriously, what the fuck?

Anyway, I loved the movie Gladiator when it first came out, and i bought it on DVD. I've seen the movie a good four or five times now and each time I see it there's always one part of it that really bothers me.

So Maximus is in Germania, fighting the Germanic tribe. This is probably in some part of modern day France or western Germany since if history serves me correctly, the Romans were never able to conquer most of modern day Germany. Anyway Maximus and his legions are somewhere in fucking central europle. They win, blah blah, emperor gets a shitty deal and is murdered, Maximus gets royally fucked in the ass and is taken prisoner and sent to be executed. In typical hollywood fashion Maximus survives his execution and takes out a couple roman soldiers and mounted cavalry, impressive might I add since it looks like they're from the honor guard. Anyway, this is where it gets hazy for me. The movie, i don't think, maybe im just a retard, never mentions where maximus is going. You're left to think he's riding home to Spain or maybe to Italy for political reasons. Either way, how the shit does he wind up in a barren wasteland/desert, and get picked up by camel jockey rag heads? I've always considered myself somewhat good at geography, and if I'm correct, there's no terrain like that between France/Germany and Spain/Italy. The movie has the rag heads take him to something like "Zucchabar" (where the hell is that btw). I'm sorry, maybe the answer is slapping me in the face here and i'm just oblivious to it, but again, how the shit does he wind up there? The only thing i can think of is that maybe "Germania" is a very broad term and he was over in eastern europe, and he found his way near Turkey and that's where he got picked up, but that seems very far fetched for me.

Summary: maximus is in central europe and the next scene hes stranded somewhere in Anatolia/the mid-fuckin-east. How?

He goes from germany/france to spain (where he lives)

His family is dead :sad:

Now, theres a bunch of dirty middle easterners (probably crossed the strait of gibraltar) who take him to a mythical place called zucchabar (I dont know if its real or not, but i just assume north western africa, like carthage area and such. :shrug: )

At least, thats what i figure :heart:
OK, first off that REALLY did not look anything like Northern Italy. And even if it was, how the hell did he suddenly wind up in North Africa? That doesn't make any sense at all. So, he's found by rag heads in Northern Italy and he's taken to North Africa by boat, and they neglect to even mention how he got there? I don't think so...
Because he did not go to italy, he went to spain


Which is right next to morroco (zucchabar?)
Ahhhh there it is. Thank you so very much. I actually thought of this the first time I watched the movie. But the reason I quickly casted that theory aside was that I didn't think he actually made it to Spain. I thought he had wound up in that desert and that was a hallucination he had about riding to find his family murdered. I assumed all along that he never made it near home and dehydration plus his bad shoulder wound contributed to the hallucinations i thought he was having.
No he made it home to his family, merely to find them crucified like slaves. Rough shit.

Then he just kinda gave up, buried them, and got picked up by some dirty arabs.


(that sux greasy :/ )
Oh and two other things. One, how the fuck does he make it to spain on horseback from somewhere near the Rhine with no food/water and a bad injury. Guess that's hollywood for you. And what's with not explaining it? Aside from a couple references to him being "the spaniard", the audience doesn't really know where he lives and where hes going after he escapes. Anyway, i guess you can figure it out if you understand whats going on (i didn't) but you'd think they'd explain it a little better.

I guess i'm just a nit pickin bitch :x
Eh I dont worry too much about it, I mean "Germania" could be any number of areas, parts of gaul (france), who knows

I figure the horseback ride across france wouldnt be too rough (minus that whole pyrenees thing :D ehhhh thats hollywood for ya)

Oh fuckit, i forget what i was saying

Good movie though. :D

Oh yeah, and as far as not explaining it, I really don't want to watch a movie filled with 20 mins of a wounded guy riding a horse though boring (yet good looking) countryside :D He got hurt, he went home. :shrug:
Yea, that does seem a bit off. I don't think Hollywood epics are really known for their historical accuracy, although there actually was a guy named Marcus Aurelius (sp?) and I'm guessing that the opening battle is based off of an actual Roman campaign.

Screw Gladiator though, Troy is going to blow it out of the water. Actually I'm not so sure yet, but it does look promising. I have no idea how they're going to fit all of that stuff into one movie, but we shall see.
great movie :D Ugh i was right the first time and i second guessed myself :( And you're probably right about the gaul thing. But I figured it was near/in Germany since the opening message said Germania and not gaul. Now that I think about it, if he was in most parts of France, considering his strong, resiliant character i guess it's possible although not probable ;\
MeSlayer said:
Eh Oh yeah, and as far as not explaining it, I really don't want to watch a movie filled with 20 mins of a wounded guy riding a horse though boring (yet good looking) countryside :D He got hurt, he went home. :shrug:

Oh come on man, they could have at least had one of those pop up maps with the animated arrows and all :lol: Or maybe a shot of Europe, then a zoom in to where he was so you could at least get a gist for where he was and the direction he was going. That's 20 seconds, not 20 minutes ;)