A new, elite Tribes: Ascend ladder team wants to get whitelisted.

El Mariachi

Veteran XV
Butt's beer & pretzels, failed before it began, because of grammar.

I created a team, you should join if you're cool.

I want to be whitelisted and play in a match here or there. Team name describes the overall attitude of team.

Beyond Gaming - Team Profile - Butt's Beer & Pretzels

That's the beyond gaming link.

Let me know who you are so I can be a jerkface and wantonly approve/not approve of people.
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these guys want to join

if our team is awesomely laid back enough, your jokes will become funny again. Much like if i start to wear acid washed jeans with an elastic waistband, they will be popular again.
Well if my memory serves me correctly, Automotive Enthusiast Lee Iacocca brought the Dodgers back from the dead when he told Sir Gorbachev to tear down the walls of his factory.

So, let this serve as an official warning:
Everyone who has an animated .gif of a cat with Tribes Helmets (or anything in Tribes helmets) in their signature on the Hi-Rez forums: we're gunning for you.

fuck the one guy who joined the team left.
edit2: no he didn't yet.
edit3: fuck ya i fucked up the name it should be Butts' because I am Butts not Butt.

you probably shouldn't talk grammar when you think 's is pluralization

the correct question here is "Who is Butt?"

It's not clear if he's making a list (and thus improperly pluralizing "butts") or if someone named Butt is sharing his beer and pretzels.

Hence the confusion.

But maybe that's the whole point?
It's not clear if he's making a list (and thus improperly pluralizing "butts") or if someone named Butt is sharing his beer and pretzels.

Hence the confusion.

my point is that root belittled him incorrectly. There is no confusion about what is written, apparently someone named Butt owns a few things.
Except we don't know anyone named Butt, and the only team member currently is ElMar.

I do know an Assy McGee...

Edit: Nevermind. See above.