a guy i've been friends with for 15 yrs got married recently...

i really disagree with all of you, if you are friends with the guy you invite him to your wedding, who gives a shit if he said something goofy around her once, you guys are fucking grudge holding assholes

I don't think it's one incident Diablo. From the way he is making it sound, he has no respect for what his friend thinks unless it suits his lifestyle as well. I'm sorry, but people like that are not friends, they're just simply selfish.
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Are you guys seriously saying you wouldn't date a girl 0-5 yrs older than you? Really?

I've dated plenty of girls that were older than me. I don't see the big deal, then again I'm only 24 so older is still pretty fucking young. If there is one thing I've noticed about girls in their late twenties compared to all the younger chicks, it's that they're usually a lot more fun and leave most of the bullshit at the door.
i've fucked chicks older than me, the oldest being 13-14 yrs older than me (without paying, i only pay for young hoes) and i wouldn't date them. just fucking is different.

skibbi i'm not good at having emo conversations, i usually make fun of people for shit like that. this is a guy thats shared a lot of misadventures with me, none of them being emo in any way. one time on his birthday we were out gambling and we both won big, so we went back to our room drunk as hell and called an escort service. we ordered two blondes. awhile later two ashy black girls with blonde wigs showed up at our hotel room. we were so blitzed we went for it anyway. this isn't the type of person you have a feelings sharing convo with do you feel me bro?
I've dated plenty of girls that were older than me. I don't see the big deal, then again I'm only 24 so older is still pretty fucking young. If there is one thing I've noticed about girls in their late twenties compared to all the younger chicks, it's that they're usually a lot more fun and leave most of the bullshit at the door.

I think the same
I've dated plenty of girls that were older than me. I don't see the big deal, then again I'm only 24 so older is still pretty fucking young. If there is one thing I've noticed about girls in their late twenties compared to all the younger chicks, it's that they're usually a lot more fun and leave most of the bullshit at the door.

Merranza, i think you're a bit older than I am, merrix is younger, but I'm almost 27. I've been dating a couple older chicks lately, I'll say that I prefer my age to a couple years younger. For the 28 year old girls i've dated in the past year, they're already pressing to make the relationship move and some seem set in their ways... the younger girls seem to be more relaxed.

Guys in general date younger... lets them not have to grow up as fast...
skibbi i'm not good at having emo conversations, i usually make fun of people for shit like that. this is a guy thats shared a lot of misadventures with me, none of them being emo in any way. one time on his birthday we were out gambling and we both won big, so we went back to our room drunk as hell and called an escort service. we ordered two blondes. awhile later two ashy black girls with blonde wigs showed up at our hotel room. we were so blitzed we went for it anyway. this isn't the type of person you have a feelings sharing convo with do you feel me bro?

Hahaha, that's fucking awesome.
skibbi i'm not good at having emo conversations, i usually make fun of people for shit like that. this is a guy thats shared a lot of misadventures with me, none of them being emo in any way. one time on his birthday we were out gambling and we both won big, so we went back to our room drunk as hell and called an escort service. we ordered two blondes. awhile later two ashy black girls with blonde wigs showed up at our hotel room. we were so blitzed we went for it anyway. this isn't the type of person you have a feelings sharing convo with do you feel me bro?
move on then? this thread is somewhat emo... I mean he's letting his girlfriend with the grudge not let him invite you...

oh well.
i'll move on after i collect an outstanding gambling debt from him. its kind of hard to sever ties with someone that owes you 1600. even though that isn't that much money, still.
a long time friend of mine also got married to a fat disgusting cow a couple of months ago

i've known him since i was in elementary school.. he used to go out with chicks that weren't really smoking hot but pretty normal looking


and then...........


Merranza, i think you're a bit older than I am, merrix is younger, but I'm almost 27. I've been dating a couple older chicks lately, I'll say that I prefer my age to a couple years younger. For the 28 year old girls i've dated in the past year, they're already pressing to make the relationship move and some seem set in their ways... the younger girls seem to be more relaxed.

Guys in general date younger... lets them not have to grow up as fast...

For sure it all depends on your age for your reference concerning older/younger. I'm 27 going on 28. There will always be exceptions (30 yrs old not wanting to press the relation and 22 yrs old that want babies) but in general, around 28-30 girls want to settle down and go family (if they don't already have children). The girl I'm dating right now is almost 27 (we have like 6 months difference) so I consider her the same age as I am. My friend is 27 and dating a 32 yrs old girl which I get along really well with. She's as relaxed as my gf. Younger girls probably seem more relaxed, but sometimes, it can get stressful. Hitting 28 soon, I want to start building something more serious. No rush with the relation I have right now but I'm having more long term goals then just knowing what I'll do next weekend so sometimes, being around younger girls that just think party and drinking is fun for one night, but on the long run, we are just not on the same pace.
when i was in law school i 'dated' a 35 year old. i was 22 at the time. she was my first and only relationship that lasted over a month. she was incredibly hot, she was probably a 10 in her 20's, and easily a 9 even at her age. none of my friends in law school had any idea why she would even consider going out with me, and in the end i was the one that ended it after almost 6 weeks. the sex was great tho.
i was at her house one day and we were about to have sex. i asked her if she had any tylenol because i had a little headache. i went into her medicine cabinet and found parkinson's meds. i asked her why she had them and she started telling me about some inoperable tumor she has in her back that requires those meds to be held in check. that was just too much for me and i high tailed it out of there and ignored her after that.