9/11 Truther Insanity: How are people that stupid anyway?

After spending a day going over the truther movement and their websites... encountering everything from holographic planes to the people on flight 97 being shot before using a missile on the pentagon 'instead of the perfectly fine plane' ive reached a snapping point.

What the holy fuck is wrong with people?

How can anyone think rich politicians would rather murder thousands of people instead of milking washington like they already are? Bush cant choke on a pretzel without the nation knowing but everyones lips are sealed right? Most importantly why even do the operation in the first place? They dont need the public to do anything! Washington can invade and do whatever the hell it wants without getting the public's support. The 'people' dont matter one shit and it is silly to even think you would matter enough for them to fake 9/11.

Noooo a plane didnt hit the pentagon a missile did! ok please explain what happened to flight 97 and why after using planes everywhere else they had to use a missile instead? That makes not a fuck of sense. Using demolitions to take down the towers? Screw the damn videos! fuck em all... the sense is what is lacking here.

How did so many americans jump into the crazy shit wagon? Dunno but i think we have a tendency to buy crazy shit just because others do and as a people we would rather accept spotty evidence especially today with video. It seems people buy these claims because they WANT to believe them. What doesnt matter is shit making sense.

But it has happened before!

Remember the baby raping satanic day care hysteria that lasted a decade? Bet the same kind of morons bought that too.


Michael Snedeker, recalls a 1994 survey conducted by Redbook in which 70 percent of respondents believed in the existence of "sexually abusive satanic cults." A poll of California social workers found 45 percent convinced of "a national conspiracy or network of mutigenerational perpetrators where babies, children, and adults are sexually assaulted, physically mutilated, or killed." By 1993 the American Bar Association found more than a quarter of the country's prosecutors had handled at least one case involving ritual abuse.

"During a prosecutorial fury that swept the country from 1980 to 1992, there were at least 311 alleged child sex rings investigated in 46 states... Children told stories that were appalling.... sex rings were run by Satanic cults, dozens of children raped by scores of adults, dozens of babies were killed and eaten, horses slaughtered in playrooms, children raped by men in black cloaks while the women waited in line for their turn."

I think there is a mental defect most of us carry as a species that allows us to be taken in by mindless idiocy like religion, superstition,conspiracy theory, and the general tendency to eat bullshit because we LIKE it rather than think.
Because as fucked up as people on TW are, there are people in this world who are REALLY, REALLY fucked up. Like, incredibly brainwashed, or capable of being brainwashed.

Not everyone is rational.
there are only two truther movement things that pique my fancy:


Did we know before-hand, and if not, why?
The truth of 9/11 is that Bush didn't give a fuck about Bin Laden and his incompetence was a major contributing factor to the disaster.

But everyone knows this.

It's just like the Tea Party. It's reasonable to notice that government isn't responsive to citizens, just to money. But that obviously has transformed into something pretty wacky.

The legitimate concern that the 9/11 commission wasn't a complete story has been overcome by aliens.
There are alot of crazy conspiracies surrounding that day. Most people don't believe them (and rightfully so).
There are ALOT of things that went wrong that day. Alot of strange things that shouldnt have happenend. Alot of weird coincidences.
Still, there are questions left unanswered. WTC7 being the biggest one.
There's the official story and there's real life physics. Only one of them can be true.
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Lots of morons think 19 Saudis with wirecutters brought down three towers with two planes. Small brains.
Seven (IIRC) Israelis were caught dancing and celebrating the demolitions, cameras pointed at the towers. They were released and bragged on Israeli TV that they were sent there to 'document the event.' Same amount of people - 3000 - died in the WTC demolition as did in Pearl Harbor which we now know for a fact was a government inside job intended to get America into a war to put an end to the GD. 3000 is a good number because it's enough dead to get people angry enough to go to war but not angry enough to investigate 'why.' The WTC event was also the 'new Pearl Harbor' called for in the PNAC (Project for New American Century) paper by leading jews to get America to fight Israel's wars in the Middle-East. It was a miracle.

You have to be incredibly thick to think that the WTC towers were brought down by aluminum planes and jet fuel instead of precision explosives. The official story is in no way credible.
as some people said, even though most of the theory reeks with crazyness, there are still some elements that are suspicious
I prefer the term 'jew-wise.' When you understand that jews wield extreme power in the modern world and apart from that, unchallenged influence on the dumb goyim, then you can understand otherwise difficult to understand events much easier. The Jewish Question is the central issue affecting the modern world, and the herald to warn us of this problem and more importantly the one who fought against the jews not just with words but with weapons was, of course, Adolf Hitler.
Seven (IIRC) Israelis were caught dancing and celebrating the demolitions, cameras pointed at the towers. They were released and bragged on Israeli TV that they were sent there to 'document the event.' Same amount of people - 3000 - died in the WTC demolition as did in Pearl Harbor which we now know for a fact was a government inside job intended to get America into a war to put an end to the GD. 3000 is a good number because it's enough dead to get people angry enough to go to war but not angry enough to investigate 'why.' The WTC event was also the 'new Pearl Harbor' called for in the PNAC (Project for New American Century) paper by leading jews to get America to fight Israel's wars in the Middle-East. It was a miracle.

You have to be incredibly thick to think that the WTC towers were brought down by aluminum planes and jet fuel instead of precision explosives. The official story is in no way credible.

:lol: Absent questioning something's credibility... :ralf:

Obvious troll is obvious, but I love irony in all its forms.
:lol: Absent questioning something's credibility... :ralf:

Obvious troll is obvious, but I love irony in all its forms.

You're a pedophile. You had hundreds of pictures of what are intended to be underage cartoon girls in your signature, for years. Riddle me this: do you think you'd have been fired from your job if your superiors found out?

Don't bother answering, all know the answer. You're a mental and let's face it, physical defective.