7 year old who grew out hair to donate for cancer diagnosed with cancer



Vinny Desautels who grew out his hair to donate to cancer patients diagnosed with cancer | Daily Mail Online

Seven-year-old boy who spent two years growing out his hair to donate to cancer patients has been diagnosed with aggressive form of the disease
Vinny Desautels grew his hair to 13 inches in two years to donate to charity
Shortly after his hair was cut in March, Vinny developed a swollen eye
Doctors found growths on the bone around his eye, his hip and cheek
The cancer is Stage 4, his father says, but doctors are still working to determine the type

I never got the whole hair donation thing, you'd think enough people just die every day that they could use that hair
I never got the whole hair donation thing, you'd think enough people just die every day that they could use that hair

It's a little more involved than just having 'hair'. There's certain requirements to the quality of the hair, general health, length of the hair, hair that isn't dyed, bleached, or otherwise modified in some way.

I only know any of this because my sister was the recipients of one of those wigs. Even though the hair is donated, the wigs themselves aren't usually free to people that need them - while they're often covered by insurance plans, they can get ridiculously expensive for a good quality wig.