
The grind to 60 takes a while if you don't have friends to help you, but it's not that hard to get geared up once you get to the endgame (if that's your thing), and there's not a TERRIBLE amount of skill involved in soloing. Only time you really NEED to group with people is instancing and certain elite quests.

PvP is kind of entertaining in BGs as long as you're not grinding for honor. World PvP can be fun assuming you're willing to get ganked and camped repeatedly after ganking and camping repeatedly yourself. Really depends on how much jackassery you're willing to inflict versus how much jackassery you're willing to put up with.

It'll probably keep you entertained until 60 (assuming you don't mind occasional slow spots in leveling), but if you can't find an enjoyable bunch of jackasses to play with you on a regular basis, I personally wouldn't bother.

Hell, the only reason I play this game is to mess around with people from TW in a forum that requires only a moderate amount of skill and commitment.
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to be more specific on Reed's Post...

You don't have to grind to 60 (killing monsters for XP/money) as it is boring. Doing quests are less boring but not by much. If you can get into the mood of the quest series and dungeon raids the extra quest XP shots will boost your leveling well in addition to staving off boredom. As you hit lvl 60 it will slow down fast and you'll literally need a guild to get anymore fun out of it. Even then you got 1 - 2 runs each dungeon before you feel the grind.
Personally, I play when I have an hour or two to kill and want to do something a little more interesting then watching grass grow.
I haven't played since October I think. If I would be playing, I would have 8/8 nemisis (one of our paly's has 5/8 nemisis it drops so often). If you can get to 60 before the expansion I would try because once the cap rises, all the uber gear everybody has is going to suck compared to the lvl 70 gear so you would have to requip yourself again anyway.
Leveling to 60 for the first time might take you a while, but once you know what you're doing you can pop up there in a month or so :shrug:

If you can't find a guild to end-game just roll some alts and rest-exp juggle them in your free time