3.0.8 - Patch hitting today?

I followed a group of horde doing it. All the quest objectives are world drop click activated. Just be courteous enough to let their group loot first.

Log into the game while it's down for maintenance. You'll know if the patch is going live, because your client will download it and update.
Why can't they fucking hotfix Org arena or take the stupid shit out of the game until it's not fucking broken? If people are getting D/C'd because of a glitch, it shouldn't be in the god damn game.

This patch can't come soon enough, I'd say 95% of the games I lost this week were because of mechanics that are getting nerfed in 3.08.
At this rate I almost expect Ulduar to hit before any of the changes in 3.0.8.

Ulduar will be 3.1.xx. The 3.x ones are the major content patches, the 3.x.y ones are minor patches. Despite that I agree 3.0.8 should have been out by now. If they plan on changing/adding anything more they should simply rename it to 3.1.0.
Ulduar will be 3.1.xx. The 3.x ones are the major content patches, the 3.x.y ones are minor patches. Despite that I agree 3.0.8 should have been out by now. If they plan on changing/adding anything more they should simply rename it to 3.1.0.
pretty sure he was being ironic

I figured we'd be talking about Ulduar patch by now, not some tweak 3.0.xx patch. Blizzard needs to stop fucking around and get dual specs in the game at least.
I'm a little surprised this patch is taking so long, and that Ulduar is still a while off - Naxx was in vanilla wow - they just had to rescript for 10/25 person raids - I would have expected them to have Ulduar almost ready to go at launch.