28mm wargames / papercraft / terrain etc


Veteran XV
Just a quick note for anybody into tabletop/wargames


found this the other day, appears to be a 4chan offshoot nerd neckbeard collective

on the front page there's a whole thread full of wargame rules and another one full of pirated papercraft shit (tons and tons of it)

so, good resource for anyone into it

gl hf
my 3d printer has been down for the past week (extruder jammed, then I kinda broke it trying to clear the jam, need a new part for $20 weeeeeoooooo shipping timessss, hopefully it'll work this time around)

so I been making shit for my wargames


sup ladies

half of that is old shit I made years ago in disrepair that I have since kinda kitbashed into workable things

yo I don't understand D&D nerds though

the right of that castle is like a large manor-esque building that I made out of 3 shitty old broken ones I had before

and I figured because it was gonna become some huge kinda centerpiece manor I might as well invest some time into it, so I made a whole ton of shit for the interior, all the rooms have like furniture now

the fucking papercraft furniture took literally as long as doing another couple buildings

these nerds that do entire cityscapes full of this shit must just be like autistic or aspergs for the amount of time they can spend doing tiny little menial tasks.. one was enough for me, goddamn
ya man

my plan is to just have a whole fuckton of buildings and terrain and hills and etc (I got polystyrene and hot wire cutters so I can do all that shit now too).. not hard because I had a bunch of this stuff from when I was like 16, most of it is kinda broken but easy enough to fix or kitbash, got a whole bag full of trees, random bits and shit, etc

then with that I can just like print all the minis for whatever game

they won't be like super sculpt artistic nerd paint D&D beautiful but it's a fuckin game, I don't care
I played skyrim.. got like 3/4 of the way through the story and did a bunch of sidequests and was like eh well I'm done. probs get back into it one day and finish it off

but there's something about miniatures games, I never play them anymore, same with board games. I have been collecting that shit since I was a teenager, and with an income, way more. I must own something to the tune of 70 games by now, probably worth ten grand, lol. don't end up actually playing any of them though

that said there's something to the tactile feel of moving around little toy soldiers and rolling actual dice, esp with friends and alcohol

H.G. Wells of author and dude fame wrote the first rules for a tabletop (floor actually) miniatures game, with tin soldiers and some basic rules (also, lol, literally cannons that shot tiny projectiles, because why not)

bro published them in 1913, eclectic academic type author who just played with toy soldiers in his fancy apartment/mansion.. and eerily predicted the shittiness of WW1 by writing something mentioning how, he played with actual generals and shit, and they played so poorly that he hoped a war wouldn't break out, because if it did, holy shit

true story

Little Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ya so I might have just ebay offered $300 for an original first print edition of that book


for the gamer who has everything, and money to piss away, why not own the first edition of the very first miniatures game ever published, by HG Wells no less

pow powwwwww
full title

Little Wars - A Game For Boys From Twelve Years Of Age To One Hunded And Fifty And For That More Intelligent Sort Of Girls Who Like Boys' Games And Books - With An Appendix On Kriegspiel


how can I not own this book


fuckin like 1910, little boys being lowered into chimneys to clean them, dudes being worked to death for low wages in factories, the middle class is virtually non existent, poverty everywhere in London

HG Wells laying on his lawn shooting little cannons at toy soldiers, writing books about robots and aliens

love it

what a world, what a world

I am buying this right now
uhhh 7chan and overchan both traffic child porn hence the offshoot from 4chan wtf ru doing on that playing a game