0 rep

some people do more work than others.

Bear witness to a thread I made summarizing my rep in 2016:

[Rep 2016] A year in review
With the advent of the new year, I would like to take this time to review my rep wall for the past year. Inner searching brings outer change, as the saying goes.

In 2016, I received...

Positive: +36
Negative: -44
Grey: 7
Total: 87 Reps
Net: -8 rep on the year

Breaking it down further, the amount of people that rep'd me are:

Positive: 27
Negative: 8
Grey: 2

If only 8 people neg repped me, how did I get a score of -44? We have to thank Skipperlipicus for doing work day in and day out, having neg repped me 34 times over the course of the year. The first being in Jan 08 and the last being Dec 27. Truly, he is doing the Lords work. The most positive person was MagicZoo at +6, and Arsin grey repped me 6 times.

The most common comment? By Skipperlipicus of course: tnr

He's still very bitter over the game of thrones thread, apparently.