sw: kotor AKA kucks of the old republic

i liked both kotors

but once u get hardcore enuf to spam force wave or force lighting, combat gets boring
imperial stories were way better

It felt so unbalanced between Republic/Empire, almost every aspect of the Empire was better and had a better lore feel.

I always wanted to find a small group of people to play with on there but I never did. There is so much material that you just can't do alone.
is swtor still around? like yes its up but do people play the thing?

i logged in about 2 months ago

2 ppl on imperial fleet

swtor forum gossip at the time indicated that there was only one populated us server; my characters aren't on that server, so it might not be a total disaster

@ least the chinese spacebucks salesmen are gone

also, they put the entire game on easy mode (despite implementing level caps on different worlds) so you can solo most group missions

last time i actually played it, my run times on missions dropped ~bigly~ just because i didn't have to spend any time on recover/recharge
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I never felt bad about doing this - it was a fun game


(why do I still have 15 yr old screenshots?)
KOTOR was an awesome game, it's up there with only a couple others as "RPGs I actually played from start to finish" which is a very small category.

KOTOR 2 I tried to get into.. it was also p good, but by the time I played KOTOR 2 long after it seemed a bit dated. Which was fine, but then I got busy w/ something else, I deleted it / lost the save, and by the time I went to go back it was like.. ehhh fuck it, I'm not starting that all over again.