sw: kotor AKA kucks of the old republic

bowl of blood

i restarted this game for the first time since it came out and holy fukin shit it makes the last male jedi look like kek

every single goddamn line of dialog is about how systemic racists are the source of all world problems and poor people are super virtuous victims of greedy capitalist leeches

just on the first world:
leader of good heroic gang: black male and alien chick
leader of vile evil crime gang: white male, plus entire gang is male
kidnapped enslaved jedi hero: mixed race female
only good rich person: black doctor
every sith ***oppressor***: white-sounding male
genius hacker: alien (minority) female
douchebag cuck sidekick with no useful skills: white male
enslaved oppressed tough guy: wookie (trans)
slavers: pig people (idk abt this one)

tbh idgaf about any of this except that it's poorly written sledgehammer drivel and the concept of being racist against "aliens" makes no fucking sense in context (do humans even have a homeworld in sw??? it's def not taris)

tho it is fun to tell all these characters to stfu and kill them and get hella dark side points
KotOR 1 was the first game that made me genuinely feel bad for what my bunch of pixels just did to another bunch of pixels.

KotOR 2 didn't come near in that aspect, though the story in that one was a lot better and it took me a couple playthroughs to really get it.
swtor main stories were good too
i enjoyed chiss imperial agent
the expansions since the p2w system have been #Sad! tho
Hk47 is the greatest character in all sw mythos

I actually felt bad fucking the widow over on tatooine. Revan is a cold ass nigga
i restarted this game for the first time since it came out and holy fukin shit it makes the last male jedi look like kek

every single goddamn line of dialog is about how systemic racists are the source of all world problems and poor people are super virtuous victims of greedy capitalist leeches

just on the first world:
leader of good heroic gang: black male and alien chick
leader of vile evil crime gang: white male, plus entire gang is male
kidnapped enslaved jedi hero: mixed race female
only good rich person: black doctor
every sith ***oppressor***: white-sounding male
genius hacker: alien (minority) female
douchebag cuck sidekick with no useful skills: white male
enslaved oppressed tough guy: wookie (trans)
slavers: pig people (idk abt this one)

tbh idgaf about any of this except that it's poorly written sledgehammer drivel and the concept of being racist against "aliens" makes no fucking sense in context (do humans even have a homeworld in sw??? it's def not taris)

tho it is fun to tell all these characters to stfu and kill them and get hella dark side points

did u not see the original star wars movies?

where it was a poor, rag-tag group of various races and sexes fighting for freedom against all-human, all-white (and literally dressed in all white) all-male totalitarians with british accents


and wookies are trans now? i generally agree with you about a lot of movie stuff, but lol thats a long reach
as i said re: last jedi, the ot has nothing at all to say about politics, the war is just a grand setting and for all we know the empire might be the first ever galactic egalitarian society (the evil thing they do is kill innocent people, the good thing the heroes do is save lives)

as for wookies you let me know the next time you see chewbaccas dick
as i said re: last jedi, the ot has nothing at all to say about politics, the war is just a grand setting and for all we know the empire might be the first ever galactic egalitarian society (the evil thing they do is kill innocent people, the good thing the heroes do is save lives)

as for wookies you let me know the next time you see chewbaccas dick

lol do u really think there was no subtext to the 'empire' and its all-white 'stormtroopers'

the OT was influenced by the USA's history in the 70's (and Lucas's childhood during the cold war)

where the memories of WW2 were still fresh in peoples minds and the idea was that the USA was a bastion of freedom and the 'empire' was basically a representation of the nazi party (and other axis powers like mussolini and hirohito). the all-white uniforms and the name 'stormtroopers' should be a dead giveaway to anyone who can read subtext

the 'grand setting of war' was 'good guys' aka the allies vs 'the bad guys' aka the axis

do u think the Indiana Jones movies had nothing to say about the nazis either?

was it just a funny coincidence that there wasn't a single female or non-white or non-human in the empire?

to say that there were no political messages to the OT is willful blindness or just childish ignorance
nothing personal but i am kinda burned out on "what was the ot really about" conversations

i made my point about politics in the last jedi thread and i don't really want to rehash it, but the idea is: character arcs. by 1977 nazi iconography was shorthand for evil, and i don't think it's even possible at that point in time to make a political comment about nazis.

but since you brought up indiana jones, should i come away from temple of doom thinking "dear fuck those brown people are a bunch of goddamn superstitious retards and they should be on their knees thanking us every day for bringing them civilization" or should i just assume lucberg wanted a strange and savage land and didn't really think about how someone might take this as racially insensitive
nothing personal but i think your reply confirms my last sentence

and i think thats true for a lot of star wars fans

you guys see it thru the same childish eyes that you did as a child and don't understand why when you see the same thing as an adult in a different movie/game you have a different view of it
carth does suck, i forgot about that douche

the only knock on kotor imo is the first planet really sucks. when u become a jedi the game gets way way way more fun
nothing personal but i think your reply confirms my last sentence

and i think thats true for a lot of star wars fans

you guys see it thru the same childish eyes that you did as a child and don't understand why when you see the same thing as an adult in a different movie/game you have a different view of it

nah there are just objective differences. i mean seriously, read the fucking dialogue in kotor. there's a big scene on taris where some kids are bullying an alien and carth is like "but aren't you gonna stop them wah" and if you say no he says "well i fuckin will". it is *all* about race/class. the dialogue in the ot just isn't. you can look for evidence that politics exists in everything, but that's false equivalence. some things really are about it, and others really aren't.

carth does suck, i forgot about that douche

the only knock on kotor imo is the first planet really sucks. when u become a jedi the game gets way way way more fun

agreed, just soldiering through at this point