Tournament news... - unfortunate

k now aside from that heres my advice

-post a thread in general discussion that way ppl like nihility and malice will see this
-get captains that know how to play their positions
-roster cap teams at 8
-make a 5th scrub team of players that dont get picked, that way even the noobies have something to rally with
-show up to your own draft on time

also the snake ladder makes sense, if you do not snake then 4th pick is at a severe disadvantage

yesterday night ucl got 4th pick on swordfish's whim

we used a script to randomize picking order when we did this with pr, but because u don't have that the person that gets 4th pick is pretty much chosen, y should ucl for example suffer as 4th pick just for being good?

the snaking wasn't the issue it was the other captains aside from ucl being horrible that was
Earlier on I requested a repick in IRC, and it was probably a mistake at the time with the knowledge I had, but I have come to believe it would of been the right choice.

Many players have came up to me and said they WILL NOT participate in this tournament unless a repick is issued. They believe ucl's team is stacked, and the tournament is unfair. I also believe this, as ucl has 5 regular good-skilled players, and most only have 2-3 regulars. It isn't ucl's fault, since he didn't pick the other teams, but the way it was handled wasn't good. It should not have been 1-2-3-4-4-3-2-1, especially with ucl as 4th captain compared to others.

Like I said, without a repick, the tournament is over. Feel free to discuss it.
Players will withdraw and will not participate without a repick.
I also withdraw without one. Feel free to try and run things ucl, but all you'll have is your own stacked team owning the rest and anger.

This is what the teams look like now:
[Tournament] TEAMS [/Thread] by TribalCozA - TribalWar Forums

- CozA
Tribes is dead.
Haha I was waiting for that Amadeus.

Dare I agree with every point except point 1 and maybe 4 (lol)

The captains were not right, it's just nobody else stepped up, but it is alot of my fault for not doing something about it. Also I didn't like the snake with UCL as 4th, cause of the skill difference & position difference. The roster cap should be 9 IMO, but yes I agree. I know I was late and draft probably would've been fine if I didn't, but I am sorry.

All we can do now is a repick, and I can get us a few players too such as Rtcll, carnova, alarik and a couple others (lix will join in and sleepy too)

We also need better captains.
This is the obvious result when you come to a draft that's littered with bloated egos and you're severely under prepared. It's like leaving a classroom full of 3rd graders unattended. Order is of the essence. Having captains on a similar skill level is a close second.
The snake's biggest issue is that there are about 7-8 dudes who are around the same level; so getting 4-5 you are getting a pretty sweet advantage. Solid captaining would definitely help, but I think you'd need a more creative way to pick. It's not ucl's fault that he made good choices, but maybe some sort of tumbling system on a per round would work better.

Easiest way to describe is each round the order is changed. It is changed based on whatever catalyst you want (say.. pick a number each round). Each round, each captain gets a score that they can redeem to advance them up position. Like this:

1st = 0
2nd = .5pt
3rd = 1pt
4th = 2pts

At the beginning of each round the captains can cash in their points or stock them up. So say the first round goes:


then the second round goes:


Sword can use his 4 pts to push up to the top of round two, making it:


Skillz is now the lowest, he can use 1 of his 1.5 points to boost into 3rd, or save it to modify round three.

This is overly complicated but makes strategizing as a captain ridiculously more exciting and fun. If you don't like the way it's turning out you have some power during the actual draft to change things. It also pretty much erases bad luck.

I brought up GD like 15x to people to make a post there as most people don't ever read this forum.

You need everything established in concrete (especially rules), you need control over the room you are hosting the draft and you need to keep all idiots under control.

You also need more admins. Why is stork basically the only guy in tribes with access to anything? It's not fair to him or the other players/teams. I've offered to help run rooms/servers (adminned a bunch of tribes servers for a long time), I know there are some other impartial guys out there like groove who would set up and monitor the rooms for you etc.

Get the captains in the know early. They should be scouting out prospects before the draft happens, not just picking familiar names that may not ever show or are rustier than the tin man. You could pick IE Natural because of his name, but I would pick someone under-rated like jag420 who plays everyday instead.
The problem is I had no power today for the draft because I was asleep -.-
And SF did fine I guess, but the teams were horribly stacked.

We need:
Better captains (People who are actually there and same skill-level)
Not to hold a draft night, just get captains one night in a channel alone to pick teams off of the LIST. If the player isn't on the list by the set time then they cannot be drafted.

It solves captain issue, team fairness, and people spamming like fucking lunatics.
Also gives some more space and calmness without reading 50 others posts.

I can get us the captains, we just need to repick.
Up to you guys...
Oh also

You need a goddamn updated list as the draft is happening. Someone should be editing a TW thread so the captains and players can follow along. Having everyone use notepad is dumb, just have a master list and edit it.
The snake's biggest issue is that there are about 7-8 dudes who are around the same level; so getting 4-5 you are getting a pretty sweet advantage. Solid captaining would definitely help, but I think you'd need a more creative way to pick. It's not ucl's fault that he made good choices, but maybe some sort of tumbling system on a per round would work better.

Easiest way to describe is each round the order is changed. It is changed based on whatever catalyst you want (say.. pick a number each round). Each round, each captain gets a score that they can redeem to advance them up position. Like this:

1st = 0
2nd = .5pt
3rd = 1pt
4th = 2pts

At the beginning of each round the captains can cash in their points or stock them up. So say the first round goes:


then the second round goes:


Sword can use his 4 pts to push up to the top of round two, making it:


Skillz is now the lowest, he can use 1 of his 1.5 points to boost into 3rd, or save it to modify round three.

This is overly complicated but makes strategizing as a captain ridiculously more exciting and fun. If you don't like the way it's turning out you have some power during the actual draft to change things. It also pretty much erases bad luck.

I brought up GD like 15x to people to make a post there as most people don't ever read this forum.

You need everything established in concrete (especially rules), you need control over the room you are hosting the draft and you need to keep all idiots under control.

You also need more admins. Why is stork basically the only guy in tribes with access to anything? It's not fair to him or the other players/teams. I've offered to help run rooms/servers (adminned a bunch of tribes servers for a long time), I know there are some other impartial guys out there like groove who would set up and monitor the rooms for you etc.

Get the captains in the know early. They should be scouting out prospects before the draft happens, not just picking familiar names that may not ever show or are rustier than the tin man. You could pick IE Natural because of his name, but I would pick someone under-rated like jag420 who plays everyday instead.

rofl what the fuck
anyway coza if u want a better draft get better players

post in general discussion stop being a little faggot

i dont really get what general discussion is gunna do?
and i can get us better players, just get the repick for me

Oh also

You need a goddamn updated list as the draft is happening. Someone should be editing a TW thread so the captains and players can follow along. Having everyone use notepad is dumb, just have a master list and edit it.

thats what was gunna happen but i didnt wake up on time fml

We watch u fail every day. You've got a shit ton of catching up to do.


rofl what the fuck

holy fuck lmao
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coza not many people read tribes talk because it's filled with faggots like jm5k and amadeus

if you post in general discussion more people will see the draft and will sign up

its just dumb and excluding if you don't