So, I just got a guy fired...


Veteran X
Ok, well here's the summary of what happened.

We have music that plays over the whole building, which is run through one of the servers I built, and runs MusicMatch Jukebox software which streams CD quality music via commercial free internet radio. Now this music is not only played softly over the staff, its the hold music as well when you're on hold over the phone. So naturally we have to keep it to soft rock or stuff that's wholesome and not all hard and death sounding.

Anyways, I got a call from one of the guys in the Collections department this afternoon... It went a little something like this:

He said, “Can we turn off this gay music?”
I replied, “Excuse me?”
He said, “This music is stupid, and gay, and only gays and transvestites would listen to it.”
I replied, “What’s wrong with gays and transvestites, and how do you know some don’t work here?”
He said, “Well, I know who is and he’s not here, so we should change the music.”
I replied, “Ok, I'll change the music.”

Needless to say I was quite offended. I quickly wrote up an email to 2 managers and the head of Human Resources explaining what had happened and that I was quite offended by his attitude. Next thing I know the head of HR is coming to me with his KeyFob (used to get into the building) sayind he had been fired.

Heh, serves him right.
Java said:
little thin skinned aren't you?
What do you mean?

I was offended. I reported it like I was supposed to. If he was hating on the religious I would've done the same thing. Ignorant fucks don't deserve to have a place in this world.
wow you are truely an asshole. Getting someone fired over some petty shit like that...

I hope that guy gets his revenge on you somehow.
Project2501 said:
What do you mean?

I was offended. I reported it like I was supposed to. If he was hating on the religious I would've done the same thing. Ignorant fucks don't deserve to have a place in this world.

what do i mean? i mean you're "thin skinned". while i agree that the guy came off as an ass, i don't think he needed to be fired over it. rather than tattle tale on him you should have told him that he was being offensive.