[NWS]Lexi Belle does anal

i would have to disagree. based solely on his posting i wouldnt discount him as an ESL speaker. writing a foreign language can be a lot easier than speaking it due to it allowing the writer to take their time and use online resources. his proficiency in writing however might not transfer over to speaking as fluently.

absent, how would you rate your english writing ability compared to your speaking ability?

do u want 2 skype

holla bak
I am also an ESL speaker.

Some of us have straight up language skillz, yo. Clearly, because of our amazing Aryan genes. Plus, I have been to Finland, and it was obviously a place where one would get really good at other languages simply by virtue of not having anything else to do.

This thread has truly been derailed.
Because he's an awesome poster and we aren't little bitches, even if I/we disagree with him from time to time.

You on the other hand are a massive pussy. I'm sure SA forums are more your style.

Yeah, posting racist hatred is so awesome, because you know, that's all he posts.
yeah so anyway regarding lexi belle no way is this her first time doing anal, probably just the first time filming it
Not even that, I could've sworn I seen her doing anal in some gang bang clip with like three dudes and fifteen other women.
Yeah, posting racist hatred is so awesome, because you know, that's all he posts.
Most of what he posts is historically accurate. His knowledge of history is actually quite impressive, let alone his mastery of the English language considering it's not his native tongue.

In short, you're a vagina for complaining about "hatred" like an emotionally defunct woman.