As requested...I'm Smiling Canadian AMA (almost)

I have not fucked the tire shop girl.

My wife passed away in September and quite frankly she was the only woman I truly wanted to be with.

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your wife. I greatly appreciate your participation here at tribalwar and all your humor. Thanks for the great posts. No questions right now except I hope you're doing well?
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norm macdonald or dave thomas?


dan aykroyd or john candy?

John candy

blood eagle or star wolf?

Neither are my cup of tea

nickelback or bryan adams?

Since suicide isn't an option...Bryan Adams

togowack or orbital 123?

I miss them both but I have to with my Canadian boy Togo

mlk or malcolm x?

MLK...I think his message was more palatable than X.
I have this weird thing for veterans, particularly combat veterans.

I don't feel sorry for them for their war experiences, or for "seeing some fucked up shit", or in the case of Vietnam veterans getting treated disgracefully by civilians when they came home, etc... all of that is certainly fucked up and all, but where I genuinely feel sorry for them is... god damn, life as a civilian must be absolutely, utterly boring and mundane after having those experiences. I mean... all that other stuff you can come to terms with and put behind you, but how the hell do you go from jumping into combat zones or whatever to like... driving a bulldozer or something, and not just completely lose your mind from utter boredom?

Am I totally way off on that? Or is that a difficult thing like I think it is?

I had a hard time adjusting after Vietnam so I did work that was inherently dangerous. Ironworker, tower rigger...that wasn't enough so I joined the Legion. Adjusting was way easier after the Legion because they really help you gain skills you can use in civilian life and they had a great program to help long serving member reintegrate in civilian life.
Do you suffer from PTSD? (I hope not).
If yes, how do you handle it and how does your family and coworkers handle it?

I knew a former Legionnaire once when I was in my late teens. He passed 1992 at the age of 77 so you probably haven't met him. He had done a lot of jobs in Africa, especially North African Atlas and Rif mountains. He said that the best warriors he had met and worked with were the Senegalese. Would you agree to that?

I don't suffer from PTSD any more. When I first left the Legion I had issues with controlling anger. I also was quick to use violence to solve pretty much everything.

I got a handle on that after an incident at Home Depot of all places. I was standing in line to pay and the guy in front of me was trying to pay for a bunch of stuff by spreading it out over like 5 cards. His wife was telling him quietly they didn't have the money and needed food etc. He turned and closed fist punched her in the face. I am told, and I still don't really remember, that the second his arm started to move I was all over him. When I finally snapped out of it I had my wife and 2 guys prying my hands off him. The store manager said in his statement to police that they could hear bones cracking in his neck. I just remember looking at this guys face and seeing the life going out of him and I let go. I wasn't charged but I took it upon myself to change myself before something really bad happened.

I can't say one way or another what group of folks was better than any other. Generally in my experience I found that South Africans (white and black), Kenyans, Botswanians, Dutch, Belgian, Germans were very good soldiers. When I moved to a more specialized unit British, American, Aussies, Belgians,...actually I think from every group there were shit bags and there were outstanding soldiers.
1.) what's the worst thing you've seen a friendly do? probably the most shocking thing to me watching vietnam on tv was those dudes that killed their own co

I'm not going implicate myself or anyone else in a war crime. Sorry.

2.) in the inevitable 21st century war between china and the west do you think jews will be able to buoy us to victory or are we just going to have to face the fact that asians are smarter and will win?

The jews will do nothing for us. It is my opinion China is not able to fight a prolonged war. They will have to resort to nukes very early on. They don't have access to the natural resources necessary. Sure they have manufacturing capabilities and a large population but if you can't feed and arm your soldiers you lose. If China was to become aggressive I believe the west will use am biologic agent of some type to cripple Chinese food output and possibly even kill massive numbers of people.

oh yeah and from someone who works in engineering, what was the best/worst gear/vehicles you ever dealt with?

I'll answer this in a later post.
was your motivation to join desperation or intentional?

did you enjoy what you did?

do you feel like you actually made a difference in the world?

I joined both the Marines and the Legion with the purpose of getting away from a shit situation and bettering my lot in life.

I actually really enjoyed all of my military time. Some things suck huge amounts of ass but every job has its challenges.

I felt for a while what I was doing was making a difference but towards the end of my career I guess the rose coloured glasses cleared up a bit and I realized I was just a tool for interests that made the rules.
how old are you?

how did you end up on TW?

Salute and thank you for your service.

I'm 69.

I had an account here when I tried playing Tribes when it first came out. Didn't really like Tribes so stopped coming here. Then got banned over at TWL for calling someone a cunt and Sam told me some folks from TWL hung out here as well so started coming here instead.
I felt for a while what I was doing was making a difference but towards the end of my career I guess the rose coloured glasses cleared up a bit and I realized I was just a tool for interests that made the rules.

Hey look at that we actually have a lot in common.

Did you ever have to go a long time without water? I tend to drink water like mad and pee about as much as I drink.
1. Do / did you believe in God? Even after all your experiences? Or did you lose faith after seeing the shit you've seen?

4. Did you know of people in the Legion who were known to be homosexual / bisexual / proceeded with sexual acts with other men?

5. Have you ever killed a woman or child (perhaps some Vietcongs)?

6. What do you think aboug veganism?

7. What do you think about Earth & its politics as presented in Star Trek: money is obsolete, the human race very civilized, very liberal & open, very idealistic, very SJW. Do you think human kind will ever overcome greed & war?

12. Ever took coke or heroin?

13. Have you ever taken amphetamines?

14. Do you look down on civilians?

15. Do you look down on book smart nerds who don't know shit about war, the taking of life?

16. Would you consider yourself a bitter man? Like, when you walk down the streets and see
-a skinny cocky guy
-a metrosexual, flamboyant man
-wannabe gangster kids
-upper class yuppies

do you harbor a grudge or have critical thoughts about them?

17. What do you think are the odds of you committing suicide one day?

18. What do you think about therapy? Do you see a shrink? Or do you consider it weakness?

19. Your wife has passed away. My condolences. Do you watch porn (again)?

21. Have you ever raped someone?

22. I remember seeing monkeys being hunted & eaten in Vietnam war movies. Have you ever tasted monkey?

25. I've read "Marine Sniper - 93 confirmed kills" and, man, I felt a bit guilty/dirty afterwards.

I believe there is something that is a guiding force for us. I have said in the past I have never heard someone cry out for the flying spaghetti monster when they are on the cusp of death.

My spotter when I was a marksman was gay. I don't think anyone other than me knew. He never tried to gay me.

Yes sometimes shit happens. Point a weapon at me or my guys and you die regardless of sex or age. This philosophy is why I'm still here to write this.

Whatever...I'll take bacon over sprouts any day.

Never give Star Trek or other fantasy shit much thought but I doubt it.

Never took coke or heroine. Called in a covert air strike on a cocaine facility in South America and blew up roughly 5 tons of pure, freshly manufactured cocaine.

Yes. Doc always had some for us on extended ops.

I don't look down on anyone really unless you are just a piece of shit as a person. I'm mostly a live and let live guy until you fuck with me.

Odds are 0.

I have never seen a shrink but I can see where it may help some people.

I never stopped watching porn...

Just my right hand...repeatedly.

Could not bring myself to try it.

I have to read that again...
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sounds like bullshit

pretty sure he could back it up with orders while a widebody like u might have trouble verifying ur service lmfao artillery yea right

I joined both the Marines and the Legion with the purpose of getting away from a shit situation and bettering my lot in life.

I actually really enjoyed all of my military time. Some things suck huge amounts of ass but every job has its challenges.

I felt for a while what I was doing was making a difference but towards the end of my career I guess the rose coloured glasses cleared up a bit and I realized I was just a tool for interests that made the rules.

thanks for ur service and the ama dude

it might be a while before they let me into canada but maybe someday we can have a beer