Titanfall: Apex Legens - f2p battle royale game

I've played a few rounds and here's my list of what this game has done right:

-Dropmaster. 1 player in the team steers all 3 members to a drop location (you have the option to take control of yourself)

-Characters voice key in-game things like circle collapse (in or out of bounds of), getting shot, etc. I've never had to open my map because of how well this works.

-Pinging. Anything you want. Enemies, loot, where to go next, even class-specific perks like Bloodhound's ability to track recent enemy traffic.

-Looting/inventory management. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Dropping your weapon for another that is on the ground will automatically equip any applicable mods that were on your current weapon onto the new weapon. Non-applicable ammo/mods can be deemed so at a glance (the game will put a red crossed out marker over the item).

-Armor. Doesn't degrade. If you kill someone who had better armor than you; it's still 100% usable when you loot it off them. Armor simply adds to your maximum shield capacity.

-The ability to bring back teammates who were fully eliminated is pretty great. Even as a PUG you still have a compulsion to stick around and get brought back in.

-The Audio. It doesn't suck. You hear exactly where people are.

-Bullet tracers. Much like Blackout, there's no hiding once you open fire on someone (even more so with the lack of suppressors).

-Most of the weapons have relevancy due to the varying play style of the different classes. Not everything has to come down to who has the better attachments on their sniper rifle. So far most people still rely on their weapon at range but they're probably not used to incorporating their class abilities.

-No stupid pre-match lobby. Why the fuck was that ever a thing?
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I greatly dislike COD so I don't play blackout. I hated fortnite. I loved Titanfall and TF2. I like Apex. I like the 3 man squads, I like the jumpmaster system. I love the pinging and how they handled armor. The guns and aiming is solid and the audio is terrific. Love the TF slide but wish sprinting was a bit better. I also would like heals and shields to be separate but understand why they did it (console peasants like me). Inventory mechanics are pretty sweet.

I love the respawn mechanic and the unique skills that different operators bring. I am not easily triggered by the lack of white males (plz won't somebody think of us white males) so I dont give a shit. The cosmetics are pretty dang well done too and obviously don't effect gameplay. I like that games take like 20 minutes tops.

This is a fun game. Way better than Fortnite and Blackout IMO.
tried it last night gg i still dont know what the meta weapons are tho

add me on origin brehs: vicious0089
Peacemaker/eva shotty for mid to close

triple threat / Scout for Range

I am around 25 games in and a bit over a 3.0 k/d

Still dont really like it, but this blackout patch is ass.
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I greatly dislike COD so I don't play blackout. I hated fortnite. I loved Titanfall and TF2. I like Apex. I like the 3 man squads, I like the jumpmaster system. I love the pinging and how they handled armor. The guns and aiming is solid and the audio is terrific. Love the TF slide but wish sprinting was a bit better. I also would like heals and shields to be separate but understand why they did it (console peasants like me). Inventory mechanics are pretty sweet.

I love the respawn mechanic and the unique skills that different operators bring. I am not easily triggered by the lack of white males (plz won't somebody think of us white males) so I dont give a shit. The cosmetics are pretty dang well done too and obviously don't effect gameplay. I like that games take like 20 minutes tops.

This is a fun game. Way better than Fortnite and Blackout IMO.
Let's not exaggerate by calling yourself a male.
In all seriousness, the "jump master" is nice.

The character voice info would be great if it wasn't shrouded by annoying Jamaican nigger women voices.

Swapping weapons WITH attachments following is fucking outstanding. I bitched about the lack of this on day one of Blackout.

It has really, really nice little quality-of-life aspects, but it just feels too clunky. I don't want my movement so hindered because I'm not holding sprint without my weapons equipped for at least 1-2 seconds.
I could overlook the anti-white male aspects since it's free, but it's the gameplay that is shit.

I mean, look at this. There are different tiers of BACKPACKS. Yes, fucking backpacks. There white/blue/purple/yellow tiers. I'm not sure if there is more than one, but there is one yellow backpack that permanently alters your heal/shield time to half. :lol: You use a full "phoenix" in like 3-4 seconds.

And armor doesn't even reduce damage. It just extends your health. So why have armor? Why not just have nothing but health?

Ignoring all of that, nothing matters more than the clunky movement.
I never thought the day would come that I would say "I hope EA succeeds over _____."

But I definitely hope that EA succeeds over Bluehole.

PubG pisses me off more than any other game. Not the gameplay so much as the whole history behind it and the decision that guy made.

The guy that made it is pure scum.

If I change the topic to talking about his game, the game should just be renamed to:

"Pick Shit Up"

Cus in PubG, I find that I spend a vast majority of the time picking shit up.

Pick this shit up, now pick that shit up, now pick this shit up, now pick that shit up.

I get so fucking tired of picking shit up.

Then it's walk walk walk, walk walk walk, walk walk walk, finally see someone, get shot in head, GG.

Not sure if the excitement of the firefights warrants my 25 minute time donation walking around picking shit up.

I'd rather just play Chivalry or whatever.

This Apex game is actually pretty fun for now. Not sure how I will feel about it a month from now, but I am enjoying it for the time being.

I like how they added the "redeploy" and portals and ziplines to lessen the amount of walking you have to do.

There's still a lot of picking shit up, but it feels less than PubG.

I do hate how the classes are bound to a race/gender. I mean, it feels strange. No clue why companies make that decision. Can't I just make a character model as I please and then pick my class? Oh, I have to be a girl, or a big black dude, or whatever... Not sure why that is hard-wired into it. It's awkward. Just let people play whatever they want, fuck.

Why force men to be women and women to be men?

In diablo 2 I always thought it was strange as fark that I had to be a girl to be a sorcerer.

I mean, how hard it is to slap on a different character sprite for dudes?