When's the last time you cried?

I think it was 8 years ago, during my last cluster headache cycle. Every cycle, I would get a few 10 on the pain scale. Those fuckers made me cry and puke, cry, puke, cry, dry-heave... They were the worst thing - the worst amount of pain I could handle.

saw fda just approved a new drug to battle clusters. didn't read into it just saw it on a news site.
Yesterday when watching Good Will Hunting on Netflix because I miss Robin Williams so much.
I dont really cry at normal sad shit, i cry at weird stuff. Like cried when my sister died, not really when any other relative died, but bawled like a baby every time i've lost a dog. I'm more likely to shed tears of joy than sadness
I also tear up when the big poops come out

Actually I think for real it was a couple of months ago when my tinnitus stopped for the first time since I got it almost 18 months ago. It was the best 15 minutes I have had all year.
ive never cried in my life. might've had the sniffles a few times shed a tear or 2. but never have i gasps for air and was sobbing uncontrollably
Home invasion. Grabbed my gun and killed both intruders, but not before they killed my two kids. I cried for hours before I could work up the strength to call the police and report it. Ex-wife was away on business. She never forgave me for not protecting them and left me.
I honestly can't remember. I don't really get emotional ever. I recall being a little choked up a few years ago when a friend from high school got killed by a drunk driver, but still no tears.
Home invasion. Grabbed my gun and killed both intruders, but not before they killed my two kids. I cried for hours before I could work up the strength to call the police and report it. Ex-wife was away on business. She never forgave me for not protecting them and left me.

wtf this can't be real