When's the last time you cried?


Veteran X
Went out to eat with some friends and got a babysitter. Come back 3 hours later 9:30ish. Babysitter tells us, while visibly upset, that our 9 month old rolled off the changing table. She says he cried for like a minute, seemed fine after. Said, she checked his eyes for normal dilation. Put him to bed 30 minutes later at the normal time. We spent that whole conversation reassuring our babysitter that he was fine. That that isn't a long drop for adults so it's not that long a drop for babies either, it just seems worse. She seemed upset. We reassured. She left. I had to pick him up and hold him for a bit. I handed him off to my wife who wanted to hold him too. I left the room and started bawling my eyes out. Kds, man. They change you. Edit: i originally wrote that last line as, "Fucking kids, man." but I think this site needs as many advertisers as it can get.
Influence of age and fall type on head injuries in infants and toddlers


~85% chance of external wound
~70% chance of skull fracture
~50% chance of internal head injury

If there is no skull fracture, the chance of internal head injury drops to ~13%. It further drops to ~4% if there's no external wound.

'Intracranial injury' was categorized as primary (epidural (EDH), subdural (SDH), subarachnoid (SAH), intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), parenchymal hemorrhage or contusion (IPH), and axonal injury (AI)).

I don't cry over typical shit. I choke up over weird stuff.

I met and chatted with Sgt Donald Malarkey before he died.

The gentlemen who was traveling and lecturing with him told a story.

He explained that he knew Donald really well and he was able to meet Dick Winters before he passed. Commander of Easy Co.
Richard Winters - Wikipedia

He had traveled to Winter's house in PA. With him was his teenage boy. The lecturer said that his house was amazing. Just perfect. He had an office full of memorabilia. Pretty much a snapshot of a WWII.

He said that his boy hardly listened to him anymore. He would tell his kid things over and over and the kid wouldn't pay attention. His grades weren't great. He didn't seem to be interested in much.

They were sitting out in the living room chatting. The guy was so excited to meet him. Winter's was being hospitable but a little distracted.

"Tell me about yourself, son"

The kid was surprised and told Winters a bit about himself.

Winter's asked him if he wanted to see his office. The dad and the kid went back to check it out. They were both in awe of all the medals, letters, books, etc.

As the guy and his kid prepared to leave, Winters looked at the kid and said, "Son, I want you to do me favor. I see that you are special and I want you to let me know how you are doing in school. Just send me a postcard because I would like to follow your progress."

That was it. The kid said OK and they left.

It turns out that the kid sent Winters a postcard at the end of every term all the way through high school.

He achieved straight As. He didn't want to disappoint Winters by showing a bad grade.

He set his mind on joining the military. He was accepted at West Point and became an officer joining the military and seeing service.

The guy said he understood what leadership was and how powerful it was in Dick Winters. Here was a guy who met his kid for less than an hour and said a few words to him. He planted a seed in the kid's brain and totally changed the course of his life in a handful of words. He said he lost all control over his son's destiny after he met Winters. The kid met the man, decided what he wanted to do and fulfilled his dream. All just by saying "I see something special in you and I want you to keep in touch so I can follow your progress".

It is stuff like this that gets to me.

Told you, weird.

Of course I get all emo about my own 17 year old. He is pretty much the only thing in the world I truly love. I can't think about losing him in an accident or something like that. I also miss my dad and my favorite dog. Outside of all that, fuck it.
dang yall gay af I have plenty of kids and ive never even thought about em
I can't remember crying. I do remember getting my eyes to well up once or twice and it felt emotionally calming afterwards. It's probably a very good thing to do. I'll try harder during my next depressing scenario. Baby sitter was probably playing with her phone. Is she fat with a high maintenance head? They seem to be stuck to their phones the most. The best way to deal with this is search for baby sitter pron till you find a threesome matching the baby sitter and wife. Then pull yourself off to it. Next week invite them to watch the video with you. Tell them it's a video of how to change a baby, then BOOM hit play. Have a couple condoms ready to use on babysitter. Always practice safe sex. Also PM link to video. Cheers.
last time i cried....

i bought my home but building company went bankrupt. it was delayed. i was staying with a friend for a couple months. when winter came they couldnt build so i knew i was fucked at least till spring.

i adopted out my cats to a farm, a great life for them.

first day i came back to my room and walked in, so empty so lonely. still makes me tear up now. its been 6 years and i swore never to be attached to anything or anyone again.
I cried when I realised I wouldn't be able to fuck the babysitter without being an old creepy dude.

Speaking of babysitters I would find a new one, no way should a baby fall off a change table WTF?
I think it was 8 years ago, during my last cluster headache cycle. Every cycle, I would get a few 10 on the pain scale. Those fuckers made me cry and puke, cry, puke, cry, dry-heave... They were the worst thing - the worst amount of pain I could handle.