[Love] How do you know when you are in love TW?

Michael: Gob, Steve Holt is your son. He probably just feels a connection.
Gob: He doesn't know what he feels. I'm tired of being told - my God. What is this feeling?
[Schmaltzy music begins to play]
Michael: You know, the feeling that you're feeling is just what many of us call... a "feeling".
Gob: It's not like envy, or even hungry.
Michael: Could it be love?
Gob: I know what an erection feels like, Michael. No, it's the opposite - it's like my heart is getting hard.
Honestly though, I'd say it's when you can't stop thinking about them, and less than 10% of that time is spent imagining them naked.
When you beliefs you have always had change after being with someone for a period of time.

I just saw a friend of mine for the first time in about a year, he has always been anti-kids, didn't want to get married until mid 30s, and loved the bachelor life. He is still dating the girl that he just started dating last i spoke with him and he was talking to me about getting married to her, and only wanting one kid while she wants several. And now he has a cat....
Do you have a strong imagination / are you able to temporarily convince your brain to believe something that isn't true?

If so, here's a good way to determine if you're in love. Spend a few minutes imagining how you would feel and what you would do if they died in some kind of untimely accident. Spend a few minutes imagining how you would feel if you cheated on her and she caught and confronted you.

If these thoughts make you sick to your stomach or depressed to the point of crying, congrats! You're in love.
When you think about them it's more often about non-sexual things--just hanging out with them, going places, doing things, etc.

And, if after you masturbate, you still feel the same way.
Alright I will chime in with a serious response because I am sappy dope.

You asked how do you know you are in love?

You know you are in love:
  • When the thought of this person with another makes you physically ill.
  • When you would rather spend every second you have available with this person.
  • When the idea of losing that person makes your stomach seize up.
  • When you realize that you would do anything for this person
  • When the thought of their happiness makes you happy.
  • When the thought of their sadness makes you sad.
  • When you are confused about your emotions and actions regarding this person.

I totally agree with the "you just know" camp. Lets pretend you have been spening time with this person... in whatever capacity (dating, friendship, whatever) and things are going along well. If you truly love this person there will be this moment when you question yourself about them. Why do I like this persons company so much? Why do I seek out ways to be around them? Why do I feel like shit if I see them with someone else. Then you realize you would do anything to keep these feelings or prevent these feelings.

That moment, that split second when you decide you would do anything for them. That is when you know you are in love.

Mine is a story of love, and I remember it clearly. I remember the day I decided I would spend the rest of my life being in love with this one person.

I know :closet: and :emo: But you asked.
You know its Love when you can fully accept they are batshit insane (they ALL are) and yet you are still willing to put up with their shit... and its not motivated by busting a nut.

This is exceedingly rare... due to the batshit insane and the fact that most women arent good for anything other than said nut busting.

There are some out there though (I found mine).
Durak, show us those ruby reds.

those wore out after a year, i've had new black r10s for a while now

Alright I will chime in with a serious response because I am sappy dope.

You asked how do you know you are in love?

You know you are in love:
  • When the thought of this person with another makes you physically ill.
  • When you would rather spend every second you have available with this person.
  • When the idea of losing that person makes your stomach seize up.
  • When you realize that you would do anything for this person
  • When the thought of their happiness makes you happy.
  • When the thought of their sadness makes you sad.
  • When you are confused about your emotions and actions regarding this person.

I totally agree with the "you just know" camp. Lets pretend you have been spening time with this person... in whatever capacity (dating, friendship, whatever) and things are going along well. If you truly love this person there will be this moment when you question yourself about them. Why do I like this persons company so much? Why do I seek out ways to be around them? Why do I feel like shit if I see them with someone else. Then you realize you would do anything to keep these feelings or prevent these feelings.

That moment, that split second when you decide you would do anything for them. That is when you know you are in love.

Mine is a story of love, and I remember it clearly. I remember the day I decided I would spend the rest of my life being in love with this one person.

I know :closet: and :emo: But you asked.

1 and 3 on your list could be feelings you feel when ur in lust not love
I believe you will never know if you are in love till after you leave the person. I was under the assumption that I was in love with my ex (P in the B and all that) but after we split up I realised that I was not in love with her, but in love with the concept of actually being in love (if you get what I mean).

Personally, I think love is pointless anyway. leaves you vulnerable to another person, who could use this to their advantage and pretty much fuck up your whole life if they tried, and anyone who gets themselves in such a situation is a fool and deserves to get all their money drained away by the whore.