[Love] How do you know when you are in love TW?

love is an emotion, it comes and goes. one day you may love someone, the next you may hate them.

caring for them is another matter, which you should have already figured out. do you want to care for that person? protect them? etc.

oh wow that's a good way of putting it
I guess some girl is messaging Durak on Myspace.

Congrats, man. Maybe talking to a girl for the first time will do something to mellow you out.
when you willingly go out of your way to help that person knowing they will never, ever know that they were helped or you were the one responsible.
so we have two kinds of responses so far

a) it's more of the actions you are willing to do rather than emotion that defines love

b) it's an emotion that you get and you will know when you get it
so we have two kinds of responses so far

a) it's more of the actions you are willing to do rather than emotion that defines love

b) it's an emotion that you get and you will know when you get it
They're both parts of the same response.

You feel B and because of B you are A.