T:V Anti TK-er elements?


Veteran XX
So I just come from a T1 server (where my base turned into tk-ing hell because someone killed a heavy teammate low on health who blocked his way), and it just made me wonder about how T:V is going to handle TK-ers. Obviously, simple voting does not work (a single rejoining can avoid it), and admins are hard to find. My suggestion would be the ability to vote a temporary admin who has a right to kick one player only, and would lose his admin rights after either that or a time threshold (5 minutes seem to be enough). Of course I can already see some issues with this, so... discuss.
Voting works fine, the game just needs to auto temp ban people after a kick based on their CD key. Also a vote to ban for 24 hours needs to be implemented, this would require a very high number and % of votes to pass.
T:V voting needs to be "You don't vote, you don't count." Not a minimum number of people. I *think* voting in T2 got a lot more people actually voting since it said "Vote initiated" and all you had to do was hit ins or del. Better system than T1, since often people missed the message, or didn't care to hit tab-2 or tab-3. I can't say for sure if it worked better, since I rarely ever play T2, but when I did it seemed to.

And voting for a 24 hour ban is a no-no. Should just ban you for 15 minutes or something.
I think the best discussed method of handling TK'rs is you TK someone, the player you TK'd can tag you on it. If you get 3 or 4 tags, you get banned / kicked.
I agree with x66 here. Could work similar to the forgivetk/punishtk system on some CS servers. You get 3 punishtks and you're out. Otherwise, a server setting of maximum TKs before kick would work, and even though some accidental TKs would get kicked, I think it would make people play smarter and make for less spam.
Eh, I always hate the forgivetk thing on CS. Granted it worked when it was supposed to, but it also worked when it wasn't. I know I've been kicked many times on CS for going hogwild with grenades. I think the T2 system is a great system and works best as is.
If you spam grens and TK someone, you should be kicked. Poeple don't like playing with spamming assholes that are there just to get points.
Perhaps Sierra can just hire some of us old timers and pay us to play all day on their servers and give use global admin rights :eyemouth:

hehe... actually I think the T2 system works pretty well. Maybe they could add more descriptive kick-windows so it could say:
xxx has initiated a vote to kick xxxx who has TK'd 5 times or
xxx has initiated a vote to kick xxxx who has been in obs for 10 minutes

Usually when someone starts a vote, everyone sits around saying "why" until the time has expired.
x66 said:
I think the best discussed method of handling TK'rs is you TK someone, the player you TK'd can tag you on it. If you get 3 or 4 tags, you get banned / kicked.

While I like this idea, I've always thought that the TKer could instead resort to suiciding himself on your weapons (especially in a game like Tribes with mortars and such) to tag you until you were banned. And he'd be even moreso innocent than ever.
Zoolooman said:
While I like this idea, I've always thought that the TKer could instead resort to suiciding himself on your weapons (especially in a game like Tribes with mortars and such) to tag you until you were banned. And he'd be even moreso innocent than ever.
That's the first thing that popped into my head as well. And if someone doesn't like you, for whatever reason, you can only punishtk once (I think??), making it useless if someone has a personal vendetta.
When I say I went "hogwild" with grenades that means the used them often and idiots would get in the way and give me tks. Like someone would rush the bridge in Aztec and I throw a grenade over to try to get some quick kills and end up killing my teammate instead. Its just a crappy way to get banned.
hm, im thinkin that instead of banning/kicking people for trying to TK or actually TKing, instead of making damage to the one thats trying to TK, the TKer should take damage instead, like a inverse kinda of TK
in other words you shoot a friend, you take damage
Zoolooman said:
While I like this idea, I've always thought that the TKer could instead resort to suiciding himself on your weapons (especially in a game like Tribes with mortars and such) to tag you until you were banned. And he'd be even moreso innocent than ever.

this happens in Enemy Territory, which has this kind of system. people who want to be asshats walk over an engineer's mines intentionally to file against him. i've also had people fire enough shots at me to get me to retaliate then tagged me when i off'd them.

[edit]i like Virtus's idea though it would require a more complex vote initiation. the forgive tk bit like in cs may be good simply because it's from cs, and a lot of gamers are at least somewhat familiar with the concept.
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They should just make the pass % of votes more dynamic. I.e its like 75% to pass in t2 by default isn't it? whatever it is, it should get less with the more Tk's. i.e 1 tk drops it to 65, 2 55, 3 45 etc. Making it ban for a period of time from server being needed obviously to avoid re-join (although bans liftable by admin).
I think some method of punishing persistent offenders would be good - Previously we just used to email the server owner and get them banned if a familiar TKer appeared. If somebody keeps getting voted off a server, its normally for a reason - perhaps if they get kicked off 'X' number of servers with 'X' Timeframe, their online game gets locked for an hour or something - also some log of thse guys so that Server admins can keep an up to date server ban list based on some central checklist of scumbags
Remember kids, In T2:

"No vote = vote no"

I am usually to lazy to bother voting if I am just going to vote no. It has the exact same effect.
That's an interesting point.

To address this, we could use a simple method of using x amount of unique tag counts. If someone set out to get you kicked, using this method, it wouldn't work.

tkPlayer tk's aPlayer.
aPlayer tags him.
tkPlayer unique tag count = 1
tkPlayer tag count = 1
tkPlayer tk's bPlayer.
bPlayer tags him.
tkPlayer unique tag count = 2
tkPlayer tag count = 2
tkPlayer tk's cPlayer.
cPlayer tags him.
tkPlayer unique tag count = 3
tkPlayer tag count = 3

Having a unique tag count would address this issue properly. And having a normal 'vote for this player to be kicked' could be in effect as well.

So [x] unique tag counts = ban or kick.