Notre Dame Burning...

it was foam that plane dropped on the crash
This topic isn't interesting enough to make me wanna research that event in any capacity beyond what I already know...that those planes mostly carry water but also have separate tanks to mix in fire retardant. So I'm gonna go ahead and say that what you see in the video is just that.
wait I’m confused
are people seriously arguing for water bombing a building in a major metropolitan area?

is the cure for cancer inside I hit the target how high is this plane flying over paris...this doesn’t make sense... no stop
The only thing holding up a Gothic cathedral is some mortar, gravity and a lot of math.

The french probably had reservations about dropping an uncontrolled 5-8 tons of mass into the foundation and risk destabilizing the load bearing elements of the structure. Sure, its not like dropping a 5 ton wrecking ball into the cathedral, but 1,621 gallons of water would have to go somewhere, and would pool on the stone vaults (ie: ceiling) and wash debris into main chambers.

What makes the Gothic architecture work, is the careful distribution of weight across the structure using columns and arches. The weight of the upper mass of the cathedral presses down and outward. Gothic architecture is recognizable by its signature flying buttresses, the half arches on the outside, that counter the outward pressure with their own inward force. If a major load-bearing arch were to collapse, it could trigger a chain-reaction and the loss of the cathedral.

Although the cathedral is mostly stone and can't burn... the heat of the fire might compromise the integrity of stonework causing it to break or fall apart.
u put way too much effort in that. unless u r in the field, u r ignorant slob rambling nonsense bout shit u aint got a clue...
havax, motox, validuz - do any of you care to rethink your position on water bombing Notre dame? or are we going to double down on the stupid? kinda hopping for the latter to be honest.

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havax, motox, validuz - do any of you care to rethink your position on water bombing Notre dame? or are we going to double down on the stupid? kinda hopping for the latter to be honest.

Well yeah from that distance and speed, of course its going to crush a car. Pay attention to the full flyover showing the plane and how far up it was. Then watch the part where it hits the car. The part where it hits the car the plane is like 40 feet up in the air above the car.
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:lol: good one...

I knew havax was going to double down. fucking classic.

just how high and what speed did you want the plane to fly, havax?

High enough to where it doesn't crush the building? That way it disperses like rain. you know rain falls from pretty far up and it never crushed any buildings that I know of. :shrug:
High enough to where it doesn't crush the building? That way it disperses like rain. you know rain falls from pretty far up and it never crushed any buildings that I know of. :shrug:

Do you mean to say you've never seen or heard of a building burning down while it was raining? You ever go camping and had it rain after you'd already started a decent sized fire? The rain doesn't do shit other than make the fire smoke more. The reason why these planes fly lower to drop their payloads is because they're not effective when their payload is released from high up.
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Do you mean to say you've never seen or heard of a building burning down while it was raining? You ever go camping and had it rain after you'd already started a decent sized fire? The rain doesn't do shit other than make the fire smoke more. The reason why these planes fly lower to drop their payloads is because they're not effective when their payload is released from high up.

okay, except the red mixture they drop is not rain, it's made of other ingredients that help to slow the fire down if it does not extinguish it completely. rain doesn't do that. :shrug: