[OMG] Another mass shoo......ah never mind.

Trying to deflect and dilute the data until it matches your agenda is both a) dishonest and b) fucking impossible in this case. :ftard:

Except the opposite is happening and you're buying the deflection and inflation narrative. Congrats, you got got.
Yeah tard...because things like population or incidents per 100,000 people don't really matter...its how you feel about it.


OK tubsy, prepare to get rinsed, you deserve it. Obviously I DO understand that per Capita stats are relevant. You, however, are so dim that you just simply state "muh tiny population" without relating it to the actual numbers like it's gonna get you off the hook. Errrr....nope. Let's take today's special ignorance shall we.....

In 2022 USA had 735 mass shootings as per the accepted definition.

USA has 61 times the population of Norway. 735/61 = 12.05

So in order to match USA stats based on YOUR CRITICAL THINKING, Norway would need to have 12 mass shootings annually.

They have had 5. Wait for it Juggs... Drumroll....


Now sit down and STFU.
Yep keep equating drive-by gang shootings with Sandy Hook bro you're totally on the honest side of this argument
I wonder what the number of fatherless, one parent households in norway looks like in comparison to black americans
Let us use this latest incident to somberly remember Quantasia Grant, mass shooting victim, who lost her life at a strip mall birthday party when two groups spontaneously opened fire at one another at a classy establishment.
Let us use this latest incident to somberly remember Quantasia Grant, mass shooting victim, who lost her life at a strip mall birthday party when two groups spontaneously opened fire at one another at a classy establishment.

RIP Quantasia, midge never even gave you a thread :(
I wonder what the number of fatherless, one parent households in norway looks like in comparison to black americans

I NO RITE. Not exactly a metric fuckton of Chinese ballroom dancing schools either.

Here have another handful of straws.
Let us remember Leroy D. Malone, of Phoenix, mass shooting victim, whose 39-year-old life was tragically cut short when the three deputies he shot returned fire.
Let us remember Leroy D. Malone, of Phoenix, mass shooting victim, whose 39-year-old life was tragically cut short when the three deputies he shot returned fire.

:rofl: isn't it amazing? You just have to make a passive scroll thru the list to understand how absolutely bogus it is. So of course Midge doesn't get it.
:rofl: isn't it amazing? You just have to make a passive scroll thru the list to understand how absolutely bogus it is. So of course Midge doesn't get it.

OK I'll play. How many in the full list do you believe are genuine mass shootings according to whatever random spurious definition you'd like to apply? It's out of 735.