[NZ] mosque shooting

The racial division of current times is going to get more intense and violent. Everyone is "teaming up." Everyone is becoming more suspicious. Multiculturalism has failed. White children and teenagers today will have a stronger white identity than many generations before them. They look at the future and see the bleak decline of a civilization. The good times are over. They are surrounded by enemies. Can you feel it?
That is some pretty fucked up shit. Shame this shit happens, from either side of the religious divide.

Still, I can't say I care too much, they certainly kill plenty of us.
Yeah, I'll think I will spare my psyche the damage and refrain from clicking the video. Some shit is too real, I don't need to see it.

And the sad part is it will work even with him admitting it
These muds are raping and killing us. White people world wide are in a war for our very existence, yet most of us do not know it. Nobody invited these Turks, Somalis, whatever-the-fucks into our nations. They just came, aided and abetted by treasonous politicians. Their thanks for the refuge they've been given? They rape our daughters, mothers, sisters. They violate our sons, fathers, brothers. Of course behind it all; the international jew parasite.

I don't know anything about Brenton Tarrant to verify his ideology, but he killed some of the ungrateful invaders. Good on him. Hail Brenton Tarrant. Hail victory.
absent is back!!!
omggggg dis makkn mun soo fukkn hard glad 2 hear muzzy scumfux ded ty 4 dis :king:

omggggg dis makkn mun soo fukkn hard glad 2 hear muzzy scumfux ded ty 4 dis :king:

omggggg dis makkn mun soo fukkn hard glad 2 hear muzzy scumfux ded ty 4 dis :king:

omggggg dis makkn mun soo fukkn hard glad 2 hear muzzy scumfux ded ty 4 dis :king:

omggggg dis makkn mun soo fukkn hard glad 2 hear muzzy scumfux ded ty 4 dis :king:
right wing terrorist born and raised in another country travels to and kills ppl who live in NZ - right wing terrorist sympathizers call his victims invaders.
this is a horrible event to be sure. but I am not finding this video that everyone speaks of.