Spend $10 you cheap asses


Veteran XX
If you're over a vet and you haven't spent a lousy $10 to be here, you're a cheapass.

Pry open that velcro wallet and spend 10 bucks, paypal doesn't require an account.

cheap bitches.
i'll donate right now just for you juggs. actually, I donated a couple hours ago and I'll wait patiently for my "perks".
Maybe I don't have a credit card or any way to get paypal to send the money? Ever think of that? If Mr. Rayn wants to give me his RL address, I'll be more then happy to send him 10 dollars in quarters.
also just because of the latest "i contributed, im better than you" craze

i refuse to fucking give $10

instead i just purchased $520 pair of sunglasses

thats 52 donations

suck it