What Makes MGTOW Different?

compiled list of TW MGTOW supporters/apologists from this and the other thread:

RamataKahn :king:
Captain Tele

a group of bigly winners, for sure
why is unmarried coombz always in every MGTOW thread

spends more time in them than white does on rice

it is like he doesn't get the concept of going your own way

maybe he just does what his wife, wait, not his wife, his "life partner" tells him

she needs her time with other men/women?

I can understand that he is annoying and clingy + self absorbed

nobody could love him more than he loves himself
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are u married tele

enough so that someone would try to make me pay for them if we split up

would try to invoke some common law dogshit

take claim to some of my efforts or nice stuff


not gonna happen which is why I'm not married

I like my stuff more than I do contracts to other people
I have a woman.

proving the point that women are money hungry leeches who only care about what they can get from a man

When exwife finally left I asked her why did she waste my time to begin with(marriage, kids). The fucking whore said "You are a nice guy, and I wanted to get out of my moms house." Which blew my then naive mind because I thought we got together because of love.

Now don't get me wrong folks. If any of you have you a woman who loves you, who understands you are both in it for the right reasons, and have each others back I am totally happy for you. I sincerely wish you both all the happiness ever invented.

As for me. I'm a ok with choosing to stay single and choosing to keep my things.
compiled list of TW MGTOW supporters/apologists from this and the other thread:

RamataKahn :king:
Captain Tele

a group of bigly winners, for sure
I don't sympathize with hardly anyone, definitely not people who have to group themselves with others to feel better about their decisions. I could see how your cuck liberal ass would think so though, because you can't read or understand English, let alone comprehend political discussions.

If men want to "go their own way," great, whatever. I don't care. It's like stupid women not wanting to have kids. It's unnatural. Just because the majority of women are useless shitbags nowadays doesn't mean you give up on what's normal.
I agree it's unnatural and most women are shit bags. When the bitches chill the fuck out let me know. Until that never occurs I will be content enjoying piece, quiet, and not being robbed blind.